Thanks Chillitown! WOW!


PR Addict
What a weekend at C-Town! Bar none, this place is bringing first class motocross events back to Ohio!

Crappy, rainy forecast, iffy on/off rain on Saturday, and still 630+ race entries on Sunday! I think every mini and youth class had full or near full gates -- you guys are ready to run a Youth REGIONAL!

Camping is unmatched by probably any other track in the Country. Everyone has hookups, no listening to noisy generators running throughout the pits makes for such a more pleasant weekend experience. Oh and they have a shower building for those that don't bring motorhomes!

The effort that C-Town puts in is awesome. Everything is top notch. Saturday after practice activities are always fun and entertaining. I was wondering what this "pro/am 85cc challenge" was going to be like and I must say it was absolutely a blast to watch! BTW some of the pros (like Willy B) look right at home ripping on an 85cc bike!

Live band, vendors, contests, giveaways, Sunday DJ, misting tents -- this place is just over the top!

Not only did they have 630+ racers on Sunday, but I don't think the ambulance ever left! There were a couple of short delays for downed riders, but I don't think it was anything major. Kudus to building a fun and safe track, especially in the relatively small area allotted to it. And let me tell you -- the track is intense! 4 lap motos might be considered short there by some, but they are plenty for most of us and it also helps keep the day moving along.

One of the best improvements --- this is the first local track I've seen implement the "Millville" style staging area that I've been raving to everyone about for years. Thank you so much for doing this, it makes staging a breeze and no more clogged staging lines with someone shouting off bike numbers. Every track out there should be doing this.

Anyone got pics to add to this thread? I was busy racing and/or zipping around on my new Zuma all weekend!

Can't wait till the October race!!!! Thanks again Chillitown!

Couple images snagged from CTown facebook page:



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Sorry I have been out of the loop on gate drops for a few years; what is this Millville type staging area?

630+ entries? OUTSTANDING JOB! I really ought to be fired, as this track is about one hour from my garage.... Any chance OA results will be posted / shared online?

I wonder just how much Coors Light was sold over the weekend too?
what is this Millville type staging area?

They make a staging area with 40 numbers on a fence so bikes can line up in a row backed up against the fence. As each rider comes to staging, the staging worker just looks at their bike number, finds it on the class list and tells them which fence slot to go to. First moto random, second moto by first moto finish just like normal.

When previous class goes off the gate, they just give you the go ahead and everyone files in to the gate from 1-40. No yelling out bike numbers, no pushing and shoving through a group of bikes from the back.

Reason I call it Millville idea is because a group of us went to a LL Regional at Millville several years ago and saw them doing this. We were all like "why would any track do it differently than this?"
The staging was different, I thought it was ok. Jarrett still had to get people into their slots even in the second moto, because in staggered races you still didn't know exactly what number you were. I don't see a clear advantage to it. Having that big open area did not help morning practice, having numbered lanes would have helped morning practice. Nobody really knew what practice was up, guys were cutting back in line, guys were going out in whatever group they wanted. You really need the chute(s) (where they had 1-40), Pre-Staging area, and then a big area where the early birds can hang out and wait for their moto to come up and they can go to pre staging. I will stick with 2-3 numbered lanes and a guy pre-staging. Overall it worked though.
My only beef (I don't have a kid riding an oil injected 50) is to run those little guys and girls first, or after track grooming. It is painful to watch them try and negotiate a track with those monster ruts. Even the riders that could avoid them on the straights didn't have a prayer on the face of jumps. It took forever to run that group, 1) Because they are much slower, and 2) it took twice as long to have track workers, their parents (I think Willy B got an extra lap or 2 chasing his daughter around the track in full gear) and even spectators jumped the fence to help out push them thru ruts or pull them out and start the bikes. Why does this hard to organize? Run them after quads at least?

I must agree with the others. My boy loves riding here. The organization, the people, NO GENERATORS! I thought staging was great for the race as well. We look forward to coming back.
Crazy 630+ entries and an AMA event at that!! So what I'm hearing one of the biggest non-LL MX events this year, was in the state of Ohio, and was the opening AMA/ OMA Battle Race!! Those numbers are bigger than an Area Q and most Mega Series!!

Very impressed. Nice job to all involved. Since Ballance closed I'm not sure we had an MX event in KY with over 75 entries.

Would loved to been there, not to hang at a big race, but I heard my boy (who also goes by AMA Alex) put 4 good motos and won both the 25+ class and the Two Stroke class. Even more impressive than him winning the 25+ on his ill-handling crf450 was the fact his 2005 YZ125 even made it thru one of the 2-T motos.

Anyhow, he said the event was off the charts and the track was killer. He also told me he sold about 80 AMA memberships over weekend and turns out most of riders already had one in their pocket.

He said he was very proud of the effort the OMA and Track promoters put in and glad they let AMA play a role in such a big race in Ohio.

Congrads OMA!!
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Very good job by all. Always like chillitown. Only complaint would be all the kids riding pitbikes by the sign up area. It's like dodging bullets around there. Doesn't really seem wise to have all those people driving/riding things with all the people walking in that area.
I think I had a smile on my face all weekend. Been a very long time since we had an event like that.
I though you guys lost your mind watering before practice yesterday, then sure enough, there was dust later. It great that you know your dirt that well.
Pits= perfect. Track prep = perfect (given the mud), Staging slots where a great idea, I though it worked very well. Shooting the cannons = cool, turnout = freaking killer.
Lots of good racing. All the 180 corners make for some good passing zones.
It one point I was setting on the packed stands watching and just closed my eyes and listened. Had to have been since my last LL trip that a race track sounded like that. Love hearing 30 some 85's on the line at one time.
OK, I think I gave myself diabetes being that nice, Back to the real me.
The BAD.
1. The yellow flaggers. Now I said be nice to the flaggers since they are out there to help you, but man. Have they ever seen a motocross before? I seen at least 4 kids get hit by riders after crashing on the back side of a jump and the flagger waving the yellow 15 feet back from the track and not blocking the rider and pointing to the oncoming riders where to go. Im sure its tuff to find experienced flagger but man, if we are going to keep growing our sport, we have to do something about training these people.
2. The CRAZY amount of pit riding. If you are one of those worthless "parents" that put your little brat on a pit bike and let them run wild, This post is just for you... There is a sign at the gate where EVERYONE come in that said NO PIT RIDING. That means for your precious little angel also. Gold carts, f'ing side by side's, every type of scooter under the sun. For GOD sake, leave that crap at home. My fat ass walked around all weekend with little to no effort. No one is impressed that you have a pit vehicle. A bicycle is fine. The pits are nearly flat. you can peddle.
3. Sunday morning practice. Telling motocross riders to use the Honor system and only go out one time. Is like releasing Charlie Manson because he promises to be good. Its not going to happen. Go back to ONE bike, ONE practice sticker. Better yet ONE rider, ONE sticker. Have the Referee watch practice, if he sees someone go out twice. DQ them from the event.

The signup was a challenge. Long waits and some small signs made for some confusion when it got packed. But it was all made better when to got to the front on the line a was greeted by a pretty face that was smiling and very helpful. Getting 630+ riders processed that quick, GREAT JOB LADIES.

Thank you Chilitown and the OMA on returning moto to southern Ohio.
I had a great time!

Staging was primo, by far the easiest way to do it! Red Bud also does it that way but they dont have the numbers posted. its soooo much easier for the riders and the staging person. Glad they made that change for sure.

Pit and CK1 hit the nail on the head for the weekend. With out a doubt Chillitown has set the bar for promoting motocross in Ohio. The pits are dreamy, the track was fun and challenging and the non moto happenings were fun too! BTW you are reading a post from the " 2014 Chillitown Big Bike Moto Limbo Champion" !!!!

Watching the pro race was great, the cannons need to make it to every OMA event! Lol.

2 of my beefs were covered by Knox
1. Sunday am practice was uncoordinated, I missed one of my practice
2. The pit riding was BY FAR the worst I have ever experienced. By this I mean way too many young kids thinking the pits were a race track. There were a group of 6 riding around between pits jumping anything, there were many drag racing on the roads. I saw kids doing wheelie contests without helmets on. The speeds were unacceptable. I even threatend a 12 year old for riding near my pits where my 2 kids and 2 others were playing. The number of pit machines is what it is and having everyone show off their money by driving sxs and razors doesnt bother me. Its the kids racing in the pits as a safety issue.

The 3rd one would be the PA equipment. I couldnt understand anything that was being said on the PA or the radio station I tuned in on.

But thats it. And for a race that size thats a damn short list!!! Congratulations on a fantastic job of promoting! Keep up the good work, I left the races excited about racing again! See you in October!
Hated that we had to miss this one, but hopefully can catch the last two.

Regarding the pit riding - you are right, it is out of control at just about every track we go to.

Every track discusses pit riding in their riders' meeting, but I have yet to see it enforced even once. Last race at Malvern it was bad as well (at least in my opinion). Golf carts loaded with a minimum of a half dozen kids making the rounds dozens and dozens of times, tuning and testing mini quads at darn near full speed in the pits, people trail riding in the woods and then flying out into the pits, and particularly kids finishing their moto and flying back to their pit as fast as they can possibly go.

This will never end until someone is DQ'd for pit riding or until someone gets hurt.
Hated that we had to miss this one, but hopefully can catch the last two.

Regarding the pit riding - you are right, it is out of control at just about every track we go to.

Every track discusses pit riding in their riders' meeting, but I have yet to see it enforced even once. Last race at Malvern it was bad as well (at least in my opinion). Golf carts loaded with a minimum of a half dozen kids making the rounds dozens and dozens of times, tuning and testing mini quads at darn near full speed in the pits, people trail riding in the woods and then flying out into the pits, and particularly kids finishing their moto and flying back to their pit as fast as they can possibly go.

This will never end until someone is DQ'd for pit riding or until someone gets hurt.

I'm going try something new, it seems to work half way decent in the real least most of the time.....we'll see.
Knox - I take back a 1/8th of what I have said about you, you geared up and rode. Nice to meet you. Now we just need to get you on some better beer.
Need Somethin?

Normally a response you give your loitering buddy when you have a cooler full of beer and he has none.

But it IS NOT an acceptable response from the ambulance crew.
Saturday during my second practice on the area of track immediately in front of the ambulance
I hit a super soft area. Bike stopped I kept going. Bike lands on me. Finally a spectator comes over to help
move the bike off the center of the track. I get out from under the bike and literally crawl off the track.
They continued to sit there. I can see them. I understand they are volunteers, but...finally one of then waddled over.
Need Somethin? he asked as I'm on all fours obviously in pain.
Hope their cheeze whiz didn't get cold and their diet cokes didn't go flat.

Thank you to those that did make an effort to help.