So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?


PR Addict
I just noticed that Battle Malvern results are already posted, nice job! Looks like a ton of entries!

Well....except for quads of course.

Here are the numbers (not counting racers with overall DNS for a finish except those that had heat races)

466 entries over 26 classes = 17.92 racers per class average
63 were Vet Plus class entries over 5 classes = 12.6 average

65 entries over 10 classes = 6.5 racers per class average.

Why don't quads show up and support the events? You know darn well if they said "no quads" they would all line up and b!tch and moan on here.

You know where I'm going to end up going with this. The Battle for Ohio is a great series, but if quads aren't going to show up to support it, then cut them out and I'll bet a dollar even more bikes show up.

Heck, you even have a Quad racer as one of the creators of OMA, but yet the quads still don't show up to support it! I would take that as a slap in the face. That would be like me building a track and creating a great Vet series and not having any show up. I'd be talking to every Vet racer saying WTF?

OMA is doing very well but I'd really like to see a series for bikes only. Not because I hate quads, but because I hate to see all the work and extra effort put in for them when they don't support it! The fact that I'm not a quad fan just makes it easier for me to pick on them!
That number for Malvern was better than I thought it would be, some were at LL for the last ATV National. No excuse, they should have skipped LL, its usually a bad deal.
Quads were the first Motos of the day, then track prep then start of the first bike Motos. One Quad class had only 3 Quads. My son's moto was the last Moto. His first Moto end at 4:40pm. Then there was consolations and then back to the start of the second Moto. Long day.


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I counted 20 people who raced Lorettas (who would usually race multiple classes) that might have been at Malvern if not for the scheduling, and multiple people who went to watch/wrench for others. Not an excuse, who knows if they would have came.

So who exactly did not show up solely because quads were there?
Either way it's a lose-lose for quads, if there were twice as many you all would bitch that you had to sit thru 10 gates of quads. You had a freshly prepped track regardless.
i know quad racers who went to malvern because lorettas was gonna be a mud hole, and had a blast at malvern. the point of this post (as i take it) is how much grief tracks get for making a bike only practice/race and then when they hold big events and try to get quads to come, THEY DONT SHOW!!! that would irriatate me as a track promoter/operator. if more quads showed up it would be easier for the track operator to say we are gonna prep for qudas, bc they would have more han 5 races before they had to prep again!
If the bike guys didn't take 2 hours to feel "comfortable" with practice, we could have been done waaaaay sooner. I didn't even run practice on Sunday........hmmmm, maybe we should cut out practice? I think its more reasonable then to cut 12% of your entries.
The last set of Moto's got done after 8:30. They had to drop the second Moto to three laps. Some people skipped their second Moto so they could get home for work. Sadly we will have to skip BC's round do to it being a school night. Can't take a chance on getting done after eight.
The last set of Moto's got done after 8:30. They had to drop the second Moto to three laps. Some people skipped their second Moto so they could get home for work. Sadly we will have to skip BC's round do to it being a school night. Can't take a chance on getting done after eight.

Whatever. We will be done sooner. Don't fall in love with long morning practices though, if you require 2 - 15 minute northern Ohio practices you will be sorely disappointed. Racing before 10, done by 5:30. That's my goal. if you require more practice, we have a whole day set aside on Saturday.
The last set of Moto's got done after 8:30. They had to drop the second Moto to three laps. Some people skipped their second Moto so they could get home for work. Sadly we will have to skip BC's round do to it being a school night. Can't take a chance on getting done after eight.
Ok, I get it! I'm terribly sorry you had a long day! So did everyone else. We were going NON-STOP from Friday morning until late(we left the track at 10:30) last night to make this a great event for everyone! Not to mention, Jason worked every day at the track last week too. And you think you were tired!?!? We did the best we could, believe me, I would've loved to have been home and cleaned up by 7 pm too! Ok, I'm done ranting, but jeez!!!!
We have some ideas to make the race day shorter next year. Everything will be discussed after the season, and we will come up with a solution.
I have to agree with Jeremy on this one. One practice session in the morning and make it 4 or 5 laps then get to some motos. With all of our local tracks you should have no problem learning a track in that many laps. If you want to run your 15 minute practice sessions show up Saturday.

Hell I showed up late Sun and got 4 laps on Malvern and haven't been there since last year and knew where I was going.
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You can't promise what time we will be done. If you don't want to listen what people's concerns are then OMA will become just like district 12. Sorry, but that the truth.

OMA was supposed to be bigger and better. No practice on Sunday, waiting all day to run 3 lap Motos is not my idea of better motocross.
Do away with Sunday morning practice on big races. That's what Saturday is for. ONE sight lap before your moto, then straight to the line for the first gate drop.
Riders meeting at 8:15, First moto at 8:30. If we have to have the current 487 classes then it is 54 motos for the day. Times 10 min each. that's 9 hours. Start at 8:30, done by 7 with a 30 min intermission.
Moto Poobah has spoken
Ok, I get it! I'm terribly sorry you had a long day! So did everyone else. We were going NON-STOP from Friday morning until late(we left the track at 10:30) last night to make this a great event for everyone! Not to mention, Jason worked every day at the track last week too. And you think you were tired!?!? We did the best we could, believe me, I would've loved to have been home and cleaned up by 7 pm too! Ok, I'm done ranting, but jeez!!!!
We have some ideas to make the race day shorter next year. Everything will be discussed after the season, and we will come up with a solution.

Tina - nobody has outworked you and Jason, the whole Malvern staff busted their butts, and everyone should be complementing you guys on how well you dealt with the crowd. Most people don't know that Jason ran to the truck parts place at least twice on Saturday because the water truck was giving him trouble.

At both of the first two rounds, I see practice as the time management culprit. I have a plan, we will execute it, if we fail, then we will reevaluate our options moving forward.
You can't promise what time we will be done. If you don't want to listen what people's concerns are then OMA will become just like district 12. Sorry, but that the truth.

OMA was supposed to be bigger and better. No practice on Sunday, waiting all day to run 3 lap Motos is not my idea of better motocross.

Gentlemen's wager?
I didn't say I wasn't listening. Cutting to 3 laps was the only way to get done before dark. And Kim Adams suggested it. Other than one serious crash, there weren't many delays to the day. I really don't know what else we could've done to make it shorter other than letting the track turn into a dust bowl. I said we have some ideas to make the day shorter next what part of you thinks I wasn't listening?
Ok, I get it! I'm terribly sorry you had a long day! So did everyone else. We were going NON-STOP from Friday morning until late(we left the track at 10:30) last night to make this a great event for everyone! Not to mention, Jason worked every day at the track last week too. And you think you were tired!?!? We did the best we could, believe me, I would've loved to have been home and cleaned up by 7 pm too! Ok, I'm done ranting, but jeez!!!!
We have some ideas to make the race day shorter next year. Everything will be discussed after the season, and we will come up with a solution.

All I said was that school will be starting and I don't want to be home at midnight.

Tina, I personally track Jason down and shook his hand and said he could've worked any harder than he did. I also thanked each staff member that I come across and told them that they worked extremely hard. I even thanked Connie and Amy. Not complaining about the hard work, that was obvious the track was perfect.
Not sure why it has to be brought up every race, kind of a joke that it is. What's the point? There are many classes at many races that have low turnouts for classes but the quads are constantly beat up for it. There are a lot less quad racers period. Bike racers are a dime a dozen. If a bike doesn't show, there is a yahoo waiting in line to fill in. Why must the quad folks have an excuse for not showing? They just did not want to race. Let the promoters decide if they want to keep quads around instead of whining about it. The MX community has become a joke and an embarrassment to be a part of. Constant bitching, no respect for other riders, young kids that follow the lead of their idiot parents, pit riding used as a babysitter, kids riding around with no helmets, the speed of bikes in the pits is ridiculous, cussing of adults around kids, fist fights, I can go on. All of this occured in the last 2 races we attended on Thursday and Friday. We had our biggest sponsor and his family with us for one of the races and I was thoroughly disgusted at how our community represented themselves. I've never seen so many jacka$$'s before in my life! Things my son has to see and hear pi$$es me off. No, I don't expect everyone to act like a nun cause I'm no angel either, but for the love of the sport can we concentrate on fixing the things that need fixin' instead of crapping on some good folks that just want to race.

I would like to congratulate some old friends that did well this weekend at the ATV Nats down south. There are many more Ohio riders that did well, I have just listed the ones that I have formed a friendship with.

Upperman 5th in pro.
Hammy 2nd in pro-am.
Cory Powers
Logan Dusenberry and his dad Rocky!
Cassy Warwick
Aiden Goodwin
The Kimmy kids
My son's best buddy Parker for his 2 2nd place finishes!
Many Ohio riders will finish in the top 10 national points with a few taking the Championship. Congrats!