So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

We actually bumped the pay scale up to the next tier. Using the guidelines in the AMA pro-Am,with the number of enties it would have paid out a little over $3,000. We advertised $4,000 so I wanted to be sure that is what was paid out. The payout was basically $1,000 per moto for both of the pro-am classes.
Not sure which A moto it was, but for a few laps there was a battle for first amongst Gibson and two others that was pretty good. Guy on the kaw made a couple mistakes and laid it over in a corner. KTM ended up 2nd, and was catching Gibson. Very close at the finish. It was a great race for the win.
I think it was the first 250A moto. Walker was leading, gibby catching him on the 125, Dylan laid it down at the end of the whoops, gibby took off with with it. Herrlein second, walker third that moto. Walker pushed pretty hard to catch back up to Herrlein, but to no avail. He might have spent himself trying to catch up.
I think it was the first 250A moto. Walker was leading, gibby catching him on the 125, Dylan laid it down at the end of the whoops, gibby took off with with it. Herrlein second, walker third that moto. Walker pushed pretty hard to catch back up to Herrlein, but to no avail. He might have spent himself trying to catch up.

Not to bash you Oz, but Gibby was on a 250...he sold his 125.
My question is why 65 quad riders would spend their money to hang out at a place where some are claiming over 85% of the other riders despise them. There are other places where they can feel more welcome. Reminds of a small church I visited some years ago. The pastor was very friendly, greeted me, welcomed me, and invited me to come back, but nobody in the congregation so much as said "good morning". In spite of the pastor's invitation, I never went back there becuase of the unwelcome atmosphere.

Jeremy can love quads, invite them, promote them, which he does, but as long as a handful of internet biker purists keep pushing this perception that all the bikers hate the quad riders, whether its ture or not, it will continue to poison your quad turnouts. Any promoter who creates the perception that he hates quads, but will tolerate them only to take their money, will never have a loyal quad following, and they won't support the occasional token quad inclusive event.

I only race at places where I feel I am welcome by the promoter AND the other riders. I will not go where I feel I am seen as a burdern to the operation, an annoyance to the promoter, or where I feel the other riders despise me for what I am riding. Fortunately that list is not very big, but sadly, it does exist.

Hard to believe those who supposedly care about race promoters would bawk at 65 race entires, and make them out to be unappreciated unwanted, and unwelcome. Doesn't help with quad turnouts, but then, lets be honest, those who do this have the opposite agenda, and are happy to see a promoter turn away revenue just so they can have exclusive access.

I'm glad this thread turned positive and solutions oriented. I do not, for a moment believe that was the original intent. I'm glad Jeremy made his position clear, but as long as your perceived friends and loyal supportors keep publicly bashing quad racers, they will doubt your sincerity, and expect a negative atmosphere from bike riders if they attend your events. They more interested in personal preferences than helping your business.
Long term....the only way to truly grow quad racing is separate days like GNCC. However, I'm still of the opinion that we are not there yet. We haven't hit that entry mark that makes it a clear transition point. Just my opinion. I'm looking at it form several angles, including a financial stand point for the promoter. Jason seems willing to try something new next year, just like tried three motos last year. We still have much to talk about, but We do appreciate everyone's feedback, both good and bad. We do listen to everything, sometimes throw wrenches after it, but we do take it all in. If you only knew how much time we spent debating both sides, playing devils advocate, using taro cards, wigi boards, go fish.....I think everyone has made their points. As I have mine. Time will tell what happens next.
We actually bumped the pay scale up to the next tier. Using the guidelines in the AMA pro-Am,with the number of enties it would have paid out a little over $3,000. We advertised $4,000 so I wanted to be sure that is what was paid out. The payout was basically $1,000 per moto for both of the pro-am classes.
Thank you I will look that up. I am still confused, as always, $4000 so payout was a $1,000 per moto? A thousand to whom the winner or overall?
Don't misunderstand me I am not upset over what Chris was paid. We would race regardless just because of the experience. I just want to understand and believe that the struggling local A riders perhaps don't have a chance in hell of earning a little payback when you have National level riders attending. I agree it makes for a more exciting race and draws fans but what is it doing to your local riders that support your tracks on an ongoing basis? Just looking out for the little dog or under dog however you wish to phrase it.
Tim, come on... Really? You only will race where you feel welcome? If I only went where people liked me and welcomed me, I would not be able to go home, let alone to any race track. If you are waiting on bike guys to love the quads, you my son, will be waiting a VERY long time. That just will never happen. BUT, If you want to bike guys to "accept" quads, Show up with 200 to 300 fellow quadrickials and show us that your here, your queer, get use to it... I mean... Your here to race and your not going away. All the promoters will love you and the bikes will either accept you, or hate you even more... but they will still show up.
I would love to see loaded gates for the quads, heck, I many even watch.... as long as its on a Saturday and bikes are on Sunday. :D
speaking of three motos, will finale be three motos this year? sorry a litle out of loop if that was already discussed
speaking of three motos, will finale be three motos this year? sorry a litle out of loop if that was already discussed
Not this year. We have been advertising 2 motos from the rip. Until the event grows some more, I don't think three motos is a wise idea.
Thank you I will look that up. I am still confused, as always, $4000 so payout was a $1,000 per moto? A thousand to whom the winner or overall?
Don't misunderstand me I am not upset over what Chris was paid. We would race regardless just because of the experience. I just want to understand and believe that the struggling local A riders perhaps don't have a chance in hell of earning a little payback when you have National level riders attending. I agree it makes for a more exciting race and draws fans but what is it doing to your local riders that support your tracks on an ongoing basis? Just looking out for the little dog or under dog however you wish to phrase it.

I believe that is $1,000 overall for the class.
Im only going to say one thing about this entire mess. It was said once before but some how was ignored.

So the point of the Battle series is to make it the premier race series in Ohio to attend. To bring back great racing to Ohio. To bring it to a level where people from out of state put it on their "to do" list each year.

Name one race of that type that includes bikes and quads on the same day.

Red Bud Vetfest ? ( or that entire series )
Baja Brawl ?
Sleepy Hollow 2 stroke challenge ?
Area 51 Can Am race ?
Loretta Lynns ?
Vintage Days ?

There is a reason that the biggest races dont mix the 2, it doesnt work.

Everyone gets tired of hearing about it, why? It doesnt work yet promoters keep doing it.

D-12 didnt sink because of the removal of quads, they were already sinking and it was a last ditch effort to save themselves.

It isnt about bashing on the quads or hating on them. It just means they dont mesh together. Just because they ride on an MX track doesnt mean they should be racing together. If that were the case there wouldnt be a need for special track prep.

JO I know you said you arent at the point to separate the two yet but you know it is the only solution. What is the honest reason for that? There isnt enough quads to support themselves. SO the bikes are supporting a place for quads to race even though they dont mix well. Im thinking Jasons new idea for next year is to test the waters by removing bikes and quads from riding the same days. I know for practice he made more money by doing so on bike days but not near enough quads showed up for their practice days and it was dropped all together.

So in conclusion there is no solution for running bikes and quads the same day and not hearing the beating of a dead horse. And as much as Timsr90 likes to think its only a handful of internet haters causing the problems, looking at other large venues and even other areas we see there arent qauds on the same race days! They have figured out how to fix the problem.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome........

Again, Im not hating on the quads! Just pointing out facts.
Not this year. We have been advertising 2 motos from the rip. Until the event grows some more, I don't think three motos is a wise idea.

3 motos would be perfect, would have last year if mother nature hadnt ruined it. There wouldnt be one compliant about getting out too late sunday either. Chillitown and Malvern are perfect examples of why a 3 moto 2 day format would work. There is no way to run 2 motos in one day with that many riders and expect it to be timely. Add a day and a moto and everyone is done and out by 3pm sunday. Every LL regional does it and your turnouts this year are damn close to a regional so far in the battle series. Its time to man up and make the jump. Its the next logical step for next season.
The original intent of this thread was to yet again point out that the Quad racers are letting it slip away. They have 10 classes to choose from and have been included in, as Hershey stated, the premier series in Ohio. Yet they still don't show up to support it. (yes a couple classes had 15 racers, which is great!)

Prove that you guys and gals belong and fill the gates for Jeremy's Battle finale.
I think this sounds like what happened to quad practice, give them their own day to justify eliminating them from the mix. I'm telling you guys right now, when this happens (no more quads at the races), I'm out. BC will be back on its island again. AND I am not trying to be argumentative, just stating the facts.