And.....that's a wrap!!


First of all, we want to say a great big thank you to everyone that came out to ride and race this weekend. We know it was a long day for everyone, and for the most part, everyone was very understanding. For as many people as were there, we had very few conflicts. We appreciate it, and it doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you! I call that a successful day!!
Now, on to our staff! You guys are amazing! The entire weekend wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for each one of you! From Jo and Patty at the gate, to the flaggers that came at the last minute to help, to the guys busting their butts helping to park people and keep the trash in check, everyone contributed to the success of the weekend.
Connie, Amy, Whitney, and Jessica were our sign up and score girls this past weekend. You girls are the best! I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like without a team like you! Great job girls: thank you for what you do!!!
To all of our flaggers, track prep, and gate workers: you guys do a great job! We know it was a long and hot day, but you all do an awesome job! Thank you!! (I don't want to name names for fear of forgetting someone)
We need to extend a very special thanks to a few people too. Russ Collar and Rich came out to the track a few times before the weekend and laid out the parking. They did an amazing job getting more people into the track than I thought possible. The place was jam packed! Another thank you needs to go to Devon. He is one of our behind the scenes guys. He does all the weed eating and most of the mowing at the track. He also comes after the race weekend and picks up all the trash and empties the cans! That's a thankless job that we all take for granted, but what he does for us is much appreciated! Jimmy and Nate are our other behind the scenes guys that came before the race to hang banners and get things ready for the weekend. They run our practices and also work a countless number of hours to help us make a successful track!
A couple more thank you's need to go out. One to our announcer, Derek, who does a fantastic job keeping track of the racing while still talking about off track things too. And the other to JO for bringing his FM transmitter and speakers at the last minute so everyone could hear. (The guy we had lined up to do that bailed on us.) And lastly, to all the vendors that came out to help make the race an event. THANK YOU EVERYONE!
Alright, while the weekend was a huge success, we do realize there were some areas that need some work. We realize that the day was incredibly long, which is to be expected to some degree with the amount of riders, but practice got completely out of hand. The racing started over an hour later than it should've. The ideas being considered next year to address this problem are a completely new format for the weekend. This will include a bike/quad practice on Friday. Saturday will be race day for quads. Saturday afternoon/evening there will be a bikes only practice, and Sunday is race day for bikes. Practice on Sunday will be one 4 lap practice per person, no matter how many classes or bikes. Sunday is race day, there will be enough opportunity to practice prior to Sunday. Doing this will make racing start sooner, eliminate the need for excessive track prep, and allow for longer motos. Not to mention, the day will be much shorter! And it will alleviate much of the congested parking.
Ok, I think that's all. Again, the entire Rogers' family wants to send our sincerest thank you to everyone for spending the weekend with us at Malvern!!!! Aaaand......that's a wrap!
Nice job, I'm very happy you had a great turnout and sorry I wasn't able to make it there from Red Bud.

Thanks for all the efforts in growing this Ohio series!
Thanks again Jason, it was a great event!

Sounds like you have a good plan for next year and I applaud you for being able to pick through all of the comments posted here and draw something positive from that. In the end, I think we're all on the same team (quad and bikes alike).

Fantastic race.
I also wanted to mention the results of the North vs. South vs. Invaders!
The unofficial results are: North is in the lead with 20 overalls, then the Invaders attacked with 9 overalls, followed by the South with 7 overalls!
With us being North riders, I say: Oh yeah! Way to go North riders!!!! Keep it up going into the finale!
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The track was GNARLY saturday for practice. Good weekend, thanks rogers and the rest of the crew. Long race day, but I would rather see the sport thrive for time to race, then be home by 4 and have 4 guys in my class.
Awesome weekend, if anyone didn't make it out, they missed out on a great time! And another thing, how about Gallo's pizza?!?!
Wish I would have made it, sounds like an epic turn out. Its great to see the growth in this series and Ohio. Its a good that there are complaints.....they are GROWING PAINS! The battle series has brought life back to the Ohio MX scene.

Glad to see you have already decided to impliment a suggested and risky plan for next year. Many think you are doing the right thing, at least you are trying with the thought of improving racing for all of us!

On to round 3!!!
Had a blast and love the idea of the split program! Just please DO NOT SCHEDULE DURING THE ATV NATIONALS SEASON!!!
I should clarify....don't schedule during the national season AND expect more quads. I don't really give a crap when the race is held.
Would you really even need a Friday bike/quad practice? Two rounds (if even necessary) of quad practice starting at 8:00 then racing by 10:00. You would have all the red-headed step children up the road by 2:00 and have dirt scooter practicing until 0 dark 30.
Malvern is definitely one of my favorite tracks. I really like the lay out, and it's a fun track to ride. Thought they put on a great program, and the 30 second card girl was nice. The yellow top really helped my get focused on the card for the gate drop...............Wait, think I just figured out why Scoob blew every start at Malvern!!

Seriously, the Battle Series is great. Need to some how get these guys that ride nothing but OHSWMX to start racing the Battle Series. They have no idea what they are missing in their own back yard.
Malvern is definitely one of my favorite tracks. I really like the lay out, and it's a fun track to ride. Thought they put on a great program, and the 30 second card girl was nice. The yellow top really helped my get focused on the card for the gate drop...............Wait, think I just figured out why Scoob blew every start at Malvern!!

Seriously, the Battle Series is great. Need to some how get these guys that ride nothing but OHSWMX to start racing the Battle Series. They have no idea what they are missing in their own back yard.

We also need the battle racers to show up at the rest of the OMA events. The other 2 tracks are great facilities as well! I want to continue to have different styles of tracks to race. Without our support we will have fewer venues to race. MX 213 and OIR will be coming up so don't pack Em away after the Cliff!
Woody, i thought the same thing.. No practice friday, two rounds of quad practice in the AM saturday, la dee da. Unless Jason wants to use friday to make a little extra cash, then i'd understand.

Definitely excited for the future of OMA, glad everyone is trying their best to better everything!