Talk about a Race Order


PR Founding Father
Most people consider Red Bud the top of the food chain in motocross. Heres there race order from yesterday. Thoughts?



PR Addict
30 plus and 60 plus??

Schoolboy and 25+ and 40+.

Seems weird but I'm assuming it worked. Must not have been a huge turnout
either, a lot of classes combined in odd ways.


PitRacer Pro
Women Sr. & 45 plus together...John259 must not of been there, he would of thrown another hissy fit!


PR Addict
Been to Red Bud a lot. They are definitely at the top of the food chain. 15 moto's on the big track and seven moto's on the 50 track. They always run five laps practices and four laps moto's. They are normally done by 4 o'clock


PR Elite
Were there any ex-pro's in the "Open D" class ?

30+ B/C
40+ B/C
Vet Sport (vet C )

That's basically nine Vet class's.
Curious, did they have good numbers in these class's ?
If so, it say's a little bit about the age's of current racing motocross community. Interesting.


PR Elite
Staff member
Love it. 7 classes on the 50's track must have shaved hours off the race day. You can't argue with 15 classes. I really wouldn't care who was on the gate with me to get 15 classes. Racing dads might miss little Johnny's first or second moto but mom should be there too. Get rid of that useless vet sport class.


PR Founding Father
Even adding the two tracks together they have less gate drops than any OMA or southwest ohio series race! I like it.


PR Founding Father
Run that race order and the open the flood gates. Everyone says "we like on it" while running a keyboard moto, but on race day, it will be a different story I guarantee it.

It might be difficult for me to ride two classes in the same moto, but worth a shot. Would my finish be scored separately or combined? If I got lapped, would I be down a lap in both classes or would I actually be considered down only a half lap in each?

I do think if the # of entries allow it (less than the # of gates obviously), 250 and Open A & B should always be combined. Also, with age classes, any of them that a rider cannot ride in both or it would be highly unlikely they would run both (i.e. Collegeboy and Schoolboy or 30+ and 60+). 30+ and 40+ are not a good example. Not only I, but many vets run both of these. What's the difference between Schoolboy1 & 2? I'm all for moving the 50's and other less experienced classes let's say to the 50's or C track persay, but not thinking they will be in all cases.

So with that and not getting too long winded, I say yes, tell everyone one class maximum and let's run it! All the non-riding 50 parents and one or no class riders will love it!

BTW- Just in case you didn't pick up on it, I no likey Willis. Put 50 riders on big track, but cut half of the track so track prep can go on the portion of the track they're not using. Will save on track prep time. Not sure why I care there, but just came to me... ;)


PR Addict
In reality we are not that far off with the exception of running mini's on a separate track. 21 motos at RedBud for 325 entries and 24 motos at Chillitown for 500+ entries.

BTW why do you need 9 age classes for adults? Sure sounds like the trophies for everyone system.


PR Addict
Lets not forget that AMA rule section 1.3 paragraph A5 " At an meet if there are five or more entries for any class, that class must be run".
Which means Any class with less then 5 can not be run which would eliminate 22 of those 50 classes.
Not sure they are AMA for all events but I would love to see this enforced everywhere... Sorry, there are only 3 in your class. Pick another or here is your refund.


PR Elite
Been there, Red Bud runs a tight ship. Looks like a perfect order. It runs seamless and fun when Ive been there. Im sure there did a mid day prep after the quads too.

Also Red Bud is like your track JO....its wide enough that the quads have their track and the bikes have lots of ruts!


PR Addict
Run that race order and the open the flood gates. Everyone says "we like on it" while running a keyboard moto, but on race day, it will be a different story I guarantee it.

It might be difficult for me to ride two classes in the same moto, but worth a shot. Would my finish be scored separately or combined? If I got lapped, would I be down a lap in both classes or would I actually be considered down only a half lap in each?

I do think if the # of entries allow it (less than the # of gates obviously), 250 and Open A & B should always be combined. Also, with age classes, any of them that a rider cannot ride in both or it would be highly unlikely they would run both (i.e. Collegeboy and Schoolboy or 30+ and 60+). 30+ and 40+ are not a good example. Not only I, but many vets run both of these. What's the difference between Schoolboy1 & 2? I'm all for moving the 50's and other less experienced classes let's say to the 50's or C track persay, but not thinking they will be in all cases.

So with that and not getting too long winded, I say yes, tell everyone one class maximum and let's run it! All the non-riding 50 parents and one or no class riders will love it!

BTW- Just in case you didn't pick up on it, I no likey Willis. Put 50 riders on big track, but cut half of the track so track prep can go on the portion of the track they're not using. Will save on track prep time. Not sure why I care there, but just came to me... ;)

Schoolboy 1 is 125's, Schoolboy 2 is 125 and 250f's, just like LL's.


PR Addict
Don't bag on Redbud they do it right. Kind of surprised with all the age classes. They do that at Vet Fest but I didn't think they did that at all their races.