Trump daddy

4 states have stolen this election.
I say we just let those four states create their own union and then we starve them out.
Won’t take long.
They won’t have police cause that’s a good idea. Crime will drive out the good people.
Stop giving them federal money!!
Let each of those states make their own international trade deals.
let China take over those four first.
see how good it is.
Hell, I kind of feel that way supporting the Republican leadership and Trump's legal team at this point.
They've lost every damn court case they've filed in. Is their evidence just not valid enough or what?????? Has it all been just talk????
How in the hell could they of failed so miserably?

The only thing that I am comfortable in knowing is that the Democrats will only make everything much worse than it already is, and has been. They always do. They truly don't give a damn about America anymore, only about themselves. And the next four years will simply be scandal, scandal, scandal.

You've been in this thread talking about how much fraud there was and never saw any proof of fraud. Note: people (including donald trump) shouting THERE WAS SO MUCH FRAUD over and over is not proof of fraud. However it is extremely damaging to a country and it's populous as I said before.

Now in spite of this I keep seeing that some people want a tyrannical government to overthrow the will of the people and institute martial law. That's some scary s**t.
You don’t think there was any fraud?
You think 80 million people voted for Biden? Joe Biden has barely anyone show up at his rally’s. And if you take staff out if the count.?.....
Trump has rally’s everywhere with thousands of people.
and Biden from his basement lair got 80 million votes?
If that passes your smell test.
You might need a covid test bro.
You've been in this thread talking about how much fraud there was and never saw any proof of fraud. Note: people (including donald trump) shouting THERE WAS SO MUCH FRAUD over and over is not proof of fraud. However it is extremely damaging to a country and it's populous as I said before.

Now in spite of this I keep seeing that some people want a tyrannical government to overthrow the will of the people and institute martial law. That's some scary s**t.
I’m thinking the courts and legal system in this country is so political, and fraught with crooked lawyers, corrupt politicians and multi-billionaire money, that even if rock solid undisputable proof was presented, the judges could (and did), still simply declare, "FU", not good enough, and throw them out! Followed up by more of the same from the appeals courts, and state supreme courts.

Every Judge's livelihood and lifestyle out there is vulnerable and at-risk the moment that they think about stepping out of line of the wish's of the party, lobbyist, and super-pac campaign donors.

Many legal experts publicly reported and stated that there is more than enough evidence to warrant thorough review and even special investigation. And then you have the constitutional legal scholars and experts that have laid out that there is certainly enough proof and questionable election activities to warrant a US Supreme Court hearing on the matter.

And now we find out that even Trump's Attorney General, William Barr pussied out on taking a stand, first by purposely stalling the long overdue, and overhyped Durham report, and now also the Hunter Biden investigation that's been underway for two years un-reported and un-announced.

I'm with Trump in that you didn't have a single Judge with big enough balls to step up to take on the corrupt establishment. They all feared being the one and only, single judge that would take the risk.

Lets be completely frank and honest here. Trump followed through on damn near every single campaign pledge that he made. Trump has been a man of his word. Trump is not a politician or psychopathic Lawyer.
Trump has taken on the establishment, earned the trust and belief of the working middle class conservatives in this country and that scares the hell out of the Elite pukes that run our society behind the curtain.

It's just so sad that even much of the Republican party don't have the balls to lay it all on the line and fight for what's right here. TRUMP HAD THIS ELECTION WON, HANDS DOWN.
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You've been in this thread talking about how much fraud there was and never saw any proof of fraud. Note: people (including donald trump) shouting THERE WAS SO MUCH FRAUD over and over is not proof of fraud. However it is extremely damaging to a country and it's populous as I said before.

Now in spite of this I keep seeing that some people want a tyrannical government to overthrow the will of the people and institute martial law. That's some scary s**t.
What I have been calling for is complete transparency. I said it in an earlier post, let them look at anything they want. Give them the rope to hang themselves. Why is this a problem? Let them do a forensic analysis of the Dominion voting machines. Let's see some signature matching on these mail in ballots. What the hell is the problem with asking for this? How about Governors and Secretaries of State going around state legislatures to loosen voter laws? That is a violation of the Federal Constitution, Article 2. What about the video from Georgia showing the ballots coming out from under the table with the black cover? Where is the video of them being placed under there? If this is supposed to be "normal" counting procedure, why have we not seen this happen before?

There are many questions surrounding this election. The lying media, Twitter, Google, Facebook, YouTube all say nothing to see here, it's all BS, this has been fact checked, the AP has called the election, etc. The media does not call elections by the way. Didn't they say the same about the Hunter Biden story? Now, it's starting to come to light on main stream media. There are too many people who do not think critically about the crap they are being fed.

I will say that I am not forming my opinion from Fox News. I have the time, so I watch the hearings, I watch the videos, I read many of the documents, I listen to podcasts. I flip through CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, NPR, the BBC. Their broadcasts are complete $hit, maybe 10% truth or facts in them. Problem is, very few take the time to actually find the truth, and they know it, so they get away with it.

There was fraud. Those not willfully ignorant are willing to call it out.
Well it appears that I may have been somewhat incorrect:

In the latest Trump legal team court defeats, in the Wisconsin State Supreme Court, the court voted four (4) to three (3) against the Trump team and Republican efforts.
Sean Hannity covered the written dissents of the three Justices, which includes their Chief Justice, in support of the Trump teams allegations of election fraud and violations. These Justices are actually calling out the other four Justices for not upholding Wisconsin state laws and statutes in this election.

So it does appear as though there are some in the legal hierarchy in agreement that there are election issues here that need to be addressed in these states.

Trumps team needs to continue to pursue this as far, and as long as it takes, and not buckle under the pressure to concede.
This is the problem with big money and power. To think that our elections are fair, honest and accurate in America, is naive.
And the corrupt media is controlling and driving the message of deceit about it.
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I'm working on pulling my head back out of all of this mess so that I can concentrate on things more important to me and mine, and start laughing again amidst all of this insanely negative carnival act of a government.
But, then it happens. Another news story comes on the TV, computer, I-phone, or radio that either sets me off, or leaves me scratching my head.

The US Supreme Court Justices made the ever-cowardly decision to "take-a-pass" on what could go down in history as the most important case brought to their bench in the first twenty years of this century. A court case that according to two Justices, (Alito and Thomas) should of automatically qualified and required to be heard on the grounds of "Original Jurisdiction". The case of the State of Texas vs Pennsylvania. Within one day of Texas's filing, Trump legal team, and over 100 Republican Representatives, and 18 Republican state attorneys general filed motions to support the case. Numerous constitutional scholars and professors were in agreement that the case had merit, and stood a good chance of holding up in the court. But no, the justice's decided it lacked "Standing".

But then, in the news today, we get this: Supreme Court agrees to hear NCAA case on student athlete compensation

My reaction was, I felt like Talking Heads - David Byrne..........."same as it ever was"
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Bill480 will just continue to laugh and say no proof. Like the rest of the bafoons.
No fraud? Nothing to see here baaaaa baaaaa baaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaa.
To Donald Trump............ YOU LOSE! (message from the Left)
The thought occurred to me this evening that this man completely underestimated the power and degree of corruption of The Swamp, it's psychopathic Elitist groups, and the liberal left.

While tending to my anger, discouragement and disappointment that he signed the "linked" $2.4 Trillion bills sent to him from Congress, it finally hit me as to why he did it. Answer: He had to!

If he hadn't signed the bill, he would of had a government funding shutdown on his hands in addition to the crippled and struggling China-Virus economy. That's a double whammy.
And Rush even mentioned that he would likely have to sign it, I just didn't fully understand why. But now I do.

When he took office in 2016, he dug his heals and forced the government shutdown. And after he proved that he would do it, he finally had to compromise and sign it. But he stated that he would never sign a bill like that under those circumstances again. Here we are, 4 years later and they forced him to do it again.
And as if that isn't bad enough, there are provisions in this bill that he signed that un-funds and undermines things that he changed during his administration.

So the lesson here from the democrats, the left, and the elitist groups:
Yes you got lucky and landed a 4 year term as The President. But, not only can we, (and will), steal it away from you and send you packing, we will wreck your economy, we will undo all of the changes that you made, and we will force you to sign the Bill that makes it all happen.
You will leave office a "Big Loser", with two black eye's and a fat lip to boot! You are a NOBODY!
Bill480 will just continue to laugh and say no proof. Like the rest of the bafoons.
No fraud? Nothing to see here baaaaa baaaaa baaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaa.
Afraid to tag me? Lmao

Why is it always the most ironically sheepish people calling others sheep?

Apparently this needs repeated for the people in the back: Trump repeating there was fraud over and over does not mean there was fraud.

Maybe this will help you understand:
There’s evidence of fraud everywhere bill. The swamp just pumps more s**t in the swamp to keep it off the surface.

My thought has been that there has been and always will be an amount of fraudulent voting, suppression, counting viloations, and what ever from boths sides - more democrat abuse more than republican.

I don't know if there was massive, organized fraud that was significant enough to change the outcome. And if there was, think about number of people it would take (all risking prosection if caught) and how hard to keep them all quiet. Feel like somebody would spill the beans - confident Trump's attorneys looked pretty hard with rewards for whistleblowers.

I think one root cause is that we used to have an ID authenticated election day and a small set of exceptions for absentee ballots. Now seems like voting goes one for a couple of months and in far too many ways. Early voting, mail in voting, etc. make is so easy for lazy folks to vote. I remember a time when if it was cold or rained it was a good day for Republicans.

The media and Covid really stole this election from Trump. Every day I watch the media destroy the fabric of this country and people just mindlessly hand over freedoms and liberties that will be virtually impossible to get back.
Watched a video of Biden sitting down to get his vaccine. After about 20 seconds it looked like he didn’t know why he was sitting down. Glazed. Like something important is happening here but I forgot. s**t.
Watched a video of Biden sitting down to get his vaccine. After about 20 seconds it looked like he didn’t know why he was sitting down. Glazed. Like something important is happening here but I forgot. s**t.

I agree so much, but the idea of what happens if he fails is horrifying.
Message sent. Americans are pissed.
Amazes me how members of our government and the media, still accept no blame or responsibility for what has, and is happening.
75+ million Americans have it all wrong, and they are all right and justified for this mess they've created.

Watching the coverage on TV yesterday afternoon, I'm standing there just shaking my head as the biased news casters continue to deny any bases for the grievances of this whole election.

Hell I even heard of a survey released last week stating that even a considerable number of Biden voting democrats even believe the election was manipulated and corrupted.

I'm thinking the US Supreme court screwed up, and could have prevented this if they wouldn't of turned their backs on hearing the cases brought before them.
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