Trump daddy

With all these troops in Washington DC, it seems like a good time to round up all those that have not been following our Constitution. The problem is, too many are scared and got the hell out of there!
Here come the immigrant caravans.
Yea, after what we've seen so far, Americans are just going to lay down and just accept this? Could be a rocky road ahead of us.
Here come the immigrant caravans.
Yea, after what we've seen so far, Americans are just going to lay down and just accept this? Could be a rocky road ahead of us.
Two groups, exceeding 5000 immigrants on their way.

Hey, I got an idea. They can move in with the 80 million Biden voters until they get on their feet.
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There was a great article that was a letter from an ER doctor talking about what was wrong with the US system. Wished I had saved it, and cant find it. He talked about a lady coming into the ER, her chart was marked Medicaid. But yet she had an I Phone, designer purse, very nice clothes. He pointed out that people in the US just spend money on priories, and that most Americans priorities are not on the necessary things like health insurance. It was a great letter. Georgie would have loved it.
Medicine is an evil cult. It’s only about the money with the corporate. Doctors are insurance adjusters and pharmaceutical sales. What can we charge for? Not what is the right treatment. Soon they will skip doctors and just sell you pills. Already doing it.
Foisted, to be hoist by his own petard.
I'm thinking CHINA BIDEN may have difficulty selling people on his "unity message". There just might be a teeny bit of a trust issue to overcome.
Another consideration not spoke of in these articles, that I believe is an underlying "cause and effect" is that there are a lot of very upset Americans. Not very happy right now!


Eric Delbert of L.E.P.D. Firearms and Range, Columbus Oh, interviewed on 610 WTVN radio this afternoon that their firearm sales are up 60% over this time last year. And that last year, March was their largest sales of the year, and as of today, January 20, 2021 already has last March sales beat.
Many smaller gun shops are having to close down due to not being able to get deliveries of guns to sell. Not available.

2020 Shatters Annual Gun Sales Record, An Estimated 17 Million Sold Year-To-Date (

(click line text above to link to the page)
NOVEMBER 3, 2020 By Madeline Osburn
With an estimated 17 million guns sold through October this year, 2020 now holds the record for most gun sales in a single year, according to new data released by the FBI Monday.
A National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) analysis of the FBI data found that compared to October 2019, October 2020 saw a 60 percent increase in firearms background checks conducted. NSSF also estimated that nearly 7 million people purchased a gun for the first time between January and October.

“Each month since March has been the strongest of that month ever recorded,” said NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva in a statement.
The 2020 background check numbers surpass the previous annual record in 2016 of 15.7 million.
While firearm and ammo sales have historically spiked during election years and after mass shootings or terrorist attacks, 2020’s surge has been sustained for months in response to the coronavirus pandemic, government lockdowns, widespread protests and riots, and the threat of a potential Biden-Harris administration in favor of gun control and gun confiscation.
In 2019, Sen. Kamala Harris said so-called gun buybacks were “a good idea,” and promised to take executive action on gun control if Congress failed to act within 100 days of her presidency.

On the campaign trail last March, former Vice President Joe Biden got in a yelling match with a Detroit auto plant worker, telling the man he would “take your AR-14s.”

“This much is clear as we head into Election Day: Americans of all political persuasions are exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms and doing so in record numbers,” Oliva said.
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This is how it works. When he is not sationary and reading for a teleprompter, he is led about by the arm and a little voice in his ear (earpiece) tells our new President what the do and say. And apparently what to do and say can be confusing...

I try to remain grounded to reality on all of this as much as I can, but under the circumstances we currently have, all things are considered.
Two of my co-workers shared this site with me. Not new, and has been around for some time and presents a perspective that ordinarily I would just blow off, but we aren't exactly in ordinary times now are we?
It's that look in that I see in people's eyes, and the shock and anger in their composure that tells me to slow down, keep a clear head and pay very, very close attention to everything I see and hear.
The video links are a little lengthy, but present an interesting take on it all.

Military Control:
Military Control, 11.3 Verifies As 1st Marker, The End Won’t Be For Everyone – Ep. 2383 (


Memo Is Just The Beginning, How Do You Set The Stage, Public Opinion – Ep. 2385 (

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This is how it works. When he is not sationary and reading for a teleprompter, he is led about by the arm and a little voice in his ear (earpiece) tells our new President what the do and say. And apparently what to do and say can be confusing...

or you misheard him. "good looking marines"

but yea its probably the other thing

I try to remain grounded to reality on all of this as much as I can

your posts in this thread say otherwise
your posts in this thread say otherwise
The far right wing conspiracy stuff is a bit extreme even for me. I've come across this stuff before and just blew it away.
But this being said, when I lean back in my chair and remember all of the corruption, all of the lies, all of the behind the curtain scandals and bullshit that goes down that nobody finds out about until years later, "uh, yea...... I've grown a little wiser and more suspicious then ever before". What we are witnessing happen across America today is so far from the norm and from our history, that nothing would surprise me now.

Look at the whole "Q"anon deal. One of their core beliefs is that there is a supported pedophile group and human trafficking ring that is part of the cover-up. Well, we all know the Jeffrey Epstein/Gislaine Maxwell scandal. Everybody knows there is a "MASSIVE" cover up entangling a lot of high profile and powerful figures, that must be protected. This isn't just "bullshit"..... this is fact!
So, I ask of you, "tell us something we don't know". We'll consider what you offer up. Debunk the theories, don't just criticize. Facts, facts, facts!
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