couch or hide-a-bed

We have a couch in our garage that came in our Damon Outlaw. My old bones could not handle the air mattress so we replaced it. The mice got into the mattress so that needs to be replaced. I have not bothered to advertise it as yet. If anyone is interested in it before I do let me know. Perhaps someone would like to use in a trailer or in a man cave!!
Right now it is a catch all in my garage. I would have to clear it off first which I will do if anyone shows any interest in it. I can say other than missing it's mattress it is in very good is black with black and brown swirl cushions and says Outlaw on it.
Yes, you remove cushions and it pulls out into a bed. Typical motor home couch. Sorry I didn't get back to right away....wasn't paying attention.
I think it would be best if you call 330-699-5525 and speak to my husband, Larry, for directions and then we can discuss price. Trust me we won't beat you up on price because it does still need a new mattress. In the meantime I will have to hunt up the information in our motor home package to see where you might find a new mattress for it.
Sorry I am not better prepared to answer your questions.
We also have a fold down bed that we used in our trailer that Larry may be willing to let go. Just depends on what you are looking for. He may be a little bit of a stickler on price with that one. It wasn't cheap and he had to drive to Chicago to pick it up but you can ask about it. We hung on to it thinking to mount it in the back of the motor home garage area as it would have been handy when we went to places like Loretta Lynn's but I doubt we will ever do that again. Three times was enough.