Battle live timing link??


PR Founding Father
wheres the ctmx live timing link? Trying to get text updates on my brother. Don't see how to locate our Ohio series. Just regionals


PR Founding Father
Staley 740
Hand 322
Kilbarger 118

Hand gonna be hunnnnnggrrrryyy for that OA. 1.3 second gap at the end. I'm still sayin Hand takes the day....we will see. Damn wish I was down there!!


PR Member
I was 20th of 23 motos in the running order. I could be off by a few minutes but it was around 2:30pm by the time my first moto got underway. Crashed twice and loaded up immediately. No way I was going to stay until dark to race my second moto.


PR Member
You would be correct on the 30+ moto times. Second gate drop around 6:50. I left as well. Had I stayed I still wouldn't be home since I have a 3 hr drive.


CTMX is presented beautifully and professionally. Great atmosphere, however, I doubt I'll attend again unless I have days of work leave to utilize for the day after...


PR Addict
i know we have beat this up several times before but i think it is time to SERIOUSLY time to change the format of this race We love big events with full gates but the class structure is not set up to support ALL big gates. Either we need to cut classes, and a lot of them. Or we need to kick the quads to the curb and make it a real 2 day event. Practice Saturday and moto 1, then moto 2 on Sunday. NOT open practice where the tracks are charging another $25. I am talking race practice. I seen the number of racers in the second moto's go down DRASTICALLY as the day wore on. A lot of those people will either think twice about coming back, or not come back at all because they dont want to get home at 10 on a Sunday.
Now, all the track owners are going to be against that because it cuts out the cash cow that is open practice. But you have to see the writing on the wall before it is even finished.
Great problem to have just hope we have the right answer before the test is over.


PR Founding Father
I pulled out of track after washing bikes and loading up. Just unloaded and ready to hit shower. Extremely long day. Had big gates. I heard over 800 riders. Not sure if that included the Saturday night entries or not.

A kid in the 65 class got landed on, anyone hear his condition? He was on a trail 70 in the 65 class. 65 jr and sr were combined. The kid went down in between the step up rolling it, and when he was coming up another kid landed right on top of him. My son said looked like frame rails came down on his head. Just my opinion, but a trail 70 that is jumping nothing does not belong on a gate full of fast 65 riders.


PR Founding Father
By my count I added up 634 Sunday, and 97 Saturday, which included 10 pitbikes. So, unless people raced that weren't on the gate orders posted, that's 731. That's a lot. I didn't see any place to condense the race order either.

John - random thought, on a jump like that, do you think it should be a yellow whenever someone doesn't jump it? Its almost like having someone down on the jump to have someone rolling and jumping it at the same time. I hope that kid is ok.

Soapbox Knox - This isn't 1985.......Calm down. I'm sure there is a reasonable solution to the time issue. To answer your question, As a promoter, I'm against everything you just suggested. The udder ridiculousness of it all makes me want to watch women's golf, or possibly professional crocheting. They have a guild, see here: Maybe we just start adding the old fart bike classes to Saturday??? Did you race? How was the track for racing?


PR Addict
If anyone needs help on how to get good starts al day:

consult Kilbarger.
I witnessed the start from turn one of Moto 1. I do not know how he kept it going. He was almost dragging bar's while the ass end was power sliding/washing out because it looked gone. It was crazy to watch from 30 ft away.