Redbud Amateur Regional two thousand &18


PR Founding Father

Friday morning and most folks are comfy in their weekend spots. Others still rolling in and needing to sign up. Practice starts at noon. Weather forecast looks iffy. Sun is trying to bust through right now but there are some big nasty cloudbursts just to the west of us.

Track is in pristine shape as expected, everyone is hyped and anxiously awaiting our practice groups.
Was there a few years ago for a regional. Slept in a one man tent for 2 days. Worst sleep I ever had... boy was it fun though!

That track gets ROUGH
Roughest track I've ever ridden was when I was there for a Regional a few years ago!

Go luck everyone, keep us updated!
And - the downpour got us—
Perfect track through group 6 and then the rain came.
Still running through the program. It’s a regional so there’s no question.
Every group has had riders - folks from far away want track time.
Saw some photos from a friend. That prestine track must be a mudfest from the photos of him and his bike.
Last practice is in staging. Place is humming.
Tire guys were working like mad today.
Track is difficult but the riders press on.
Track crew is ready to put it all back together.
Sky is clearing as the afternoon sets in.
Quick practice tomorrow @ 9:00 and we’re off.
+30 only had 36 at wwranch. I’m sure some regions pulls varying types of riders.
35 in 40 class is sweet. No pressure with heats. Old school 3 motos.

26 in 250A is surprising as well....seems low for a regional.

That’s the turn before you head up the back hill- has what looks like peat compost in it and got super deep.

They’ve done some laps on the machines in prep for tomorrow.
Bulldozer guys or dirt artists??

8:30 riders meeting 9:00 practice.
Time to get ready & get to bed.
There was a regional out in the northwest about 6 years ago that only had 8 in 450A, can’t remeber if it was pro sport or not. Blew me away that all you basically had to do was show up to make it to LL.
Running through the practice order now. No rain overnight. Track is still very raceable at this point. Race order is up. It’s going to be a long day.