Redbud Amateur Regional two thousand &18

You looked good out there, especially moto 3, I thought you had Blake at the end of the whoops (lap 2, I think). I assume you will be going to unadilla for the 25 plus class, Blake gets a trip to TX thanks to a rider pulling a Savatgy on him in 25 plus.
Those ruts behind the gate were sooo deep.
And when the goop on top would start to dry, your feet would be stuck on the ground like glue.
No grates. The art of moto right there.
Well no excuses. But both of my first motos gate pick 32 and second last.
Now the reason I say no excuses. Cuz in +45 I thought I was last pic I turned around and saw Dave Jones very last and he got his butt up to the front of the pack and punched a ticket or close.
Way inside and I got an out of control guy hit me 3 feet out.
Well no excuses. But both of my first motos gate pick 32 and second last.
Now the reason I say no excuses. Cuz in +45 I thought I was last pic I turned around and saw Dave Jones very last and he got his butt up to the front of the pack and punched a ticket or close.
Way inside and I got an out of control guy hit me 3 feet out.
My dad can make any gate a holeshot. Dudes a gate prep genius.....