Summit Indoors anyone?


PR Member
As many of you have as I have. In one form or another participated in what I consider the winter itch, always Big Winter Event IMO...well locally anyway. I've been more of a support spectator helping friends make it through the entire weekend. Just wondered if any of you like to share a memory, likes or disappointments( with simple solutions), a past pic or video? I enjoy it for many reasons just like to hear what others feel?
Here's a link to a few friends I took video of enjoy.
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They’ve really improved the program over the past few years. Raced in ‘15, ‘16, and ‘17 and I feel like it’s gotten better every year. The track designs are good, multiple lines for all skill sets. I usually only race on Friday night since the Saturday program is very long. The indoor pits in a separate building is what’s bringing me back to race at summit again. Before, if you weren’t at the track by 5 or so, your bike was staying outside. Also, it was pretty difficult to get your bike to and from staging with all of the foot traffic. All in all a good event to get some seat time and a gate drop in over the winter.
I know a lot of work goes into it. Amazing how they keep things moving and who doesn’t love to hear Ben on the microphone. I like going to watch some bikes and meet up with some old friends.

Last year the pro class was good with Jerry Robin out there. I’m excited to see Levi and Roman battle. After Levi at Loretta’s and Steve at the mini O’s it should be good
I like a fast for everyone track, call me crazy or a sissy. To layout a track with one big whip jump in the middle, is great crowd entrainment agreed. I've seen too many Thursday cases to warrant its purpose,IMO. The race with Roman was a good battle as mentioned. I feel for them you could throw any track down, it's almost a Cherry pick at the it's always 2guys at that level looking to get some money for the weekend while building their brand, and support. Nothing wrong with it, in fact it's a great place to video your ride! 1 GoPro and one outside the fence camera edited down you look like a TV show. I'm pumped on it other than the trash people leave behind...wish they could get the Summit Collection and Recycle services a bit more involved. That's more fans I think, but it's always a mess for them to clean.