Track Variety


PR Member
After seeing some people complaining on facebook about the track variety for the OMA season I started to wonder why do tracks leave a race series in the first place?
I saw some comments saying that track variety is down due to tracks closing. So after doing some research I went back and looked at the OMA schedules from as far back as I could find with a google search and it looks like four tracks have left the OMA after being part of it at some point in the past. Chillitown (I saw the drama about chillitown leaving last year so lets not start that again), MX 213, OIR, and Route 62.
After checking the facebook pages of these four tracks it looks like they are still in operation, so why would a track owner not want to participate in a race series? Seems to me like being a part of a series would be guaranteed money because you have scheduled races that people will show up for?
On top of the tracks leaving there are some other tracks that are not part of any series that I am aware of, such as Outlaw MX, MX Express, Smith Rd, and COCR. What would be a reason that these tracks would not want to get in on a race series.
There is a new track in Southern Ohio called Windy Ridge that was just built this past summer and they are already hosting both Buckeye series races and a Kentuckiana series race for the 2019 season.

I am not a track owner and I don't know a lot about owning a track, I just genuinely want to know reasons why these tracks leave and why other tracks don't want to be part of a series?
DMC decided not to hold races in 2019. Dirt country is doing work on their property and to the track and plan on opening in 2020. COCR...not sure if they were ever offered anything from either series. And rumor has it, Chilitown is done. The owner is building a house on some property some where from what I heard.

I agree, being in a series is the way to go to draw riders.
An “organization” created and run by owners of tracks will NEVER last. Jealousy, ego and stubbornness will rip it apart. “They are not good enough” or “the track is not up to my standards” is no way to grow the sport. But, I get it. It’s business, and if you can eliminate competition then you keep others out.
I can’t believe I am going to say this... we need the districts back. An independent governing body offering opportunities to all. Not just a select few.
This organization should be run by the riders. The riders could join together in this organization and work to protect the sport. And not just the Harley riders.
Yeah. That would be one fine organization.
But, that will never happen.
You know, that “riders organization” would be best served if there was a website with public forums where both racers and promoters could use to post feedback, event information, track guide, classifieds, suggestions and all around topics of the sport.
Now, wonder where we could find such a site??
Smith Road is known as a practice track with three races every year. And they hold those three races on days no other track will (Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day). It’s been the same for years and they get pretty good turnouts on race days so why change it? I’ve been racing there for over 10 years and its got the “no pressure” atmosphere since there’s no points involved, which has kept me interested and coming back every year. It would be cool to see Smith Road join an organization and hold more races but if it aint broke don’t fix it I guess.
Chillitown and 62 are the only ones racing. 62 left because he didn’t feel like running OMA races. Chillitown wanted be on our team for a battle race only, and not the Halloween race, 213 is not operating anymore. An individual did inquire about 213 last year, but I believe the fair board is done with it. OIR has been tried a few times since the hand family ran it. It just never seemed to work out. That’s an official explanation on why this tracks aren’t in the OMA.

We have never kicked anyone out. We gave Chillitown a choice and the decided to leave.
An “organization” created and run by owners of tracks will NEVER last. Jealousy, ego and stubbornness will rip it apart. “They are not good enough” or “the track is not up to my standards” is no way to grow the sport. But, I get it. It’s business, and if you can eliminate competition then you keep others out.
I can’t believe I am going to say this... we need the districts back. An independent governing body offering opportunities to all. Not just a select few.
This organization should be run by the riders. The riders could join together in this organization and work to protect the sport. And not just the Harley riders.
Yeah. That would be one fine organization.
But, that will never happen.

Just like D11??? Ha ha
For 25 years I have been in this sport and I was part of the resurrection of District 12 for the AMA. When we became part of "D12 on-road" (The off-road group was already very prominent), we were excited to bring the AMA in, and so was the AMA, in fact for the 1st year of our existence, they offered a discount on AMA memberships for the year! District 12 was ran by the track promoters, who were riders, and I was very much a part of it, YES, me.. a non-rider. I have been part of the AMA-District 12, District 12-Non AMA, the OMA, and other mx organizations, ALL ran by dedicated, hard-working individuals trying to do their best for the MX community.
The OMA gets numerous suggestions, class changes, etc.. every year, we do listen. Anyone who wants to meet and give our organization suggestions, contact me, but the beer is on you! If you don't want to meet, contact us on the OMA website! We appreciate everyone's feedback, but we can't do everything that everyone wants us to do. Every organization has to make choices that they feel is best.

Now for the topic of this thread: Situations change. People change. Ask the Hands, who are beyond capable of creating a kick-ass track and event for MX. Why in the world aren't they doing it anymore? Life changed. They wanted to move on and watch the boys be interested in other things, and still flourish into amazing MX riders, without the hassle! It is scary for new promoters to get involved with a series for some, and others just are happy with what they have. Not every track is wanting to become a national track, some tracks don't want to have to schedule around each other. MX 213 was ran by some really hard working people who just couldn't make it work with the fairgrounds, everything is situational! I look forward to new tracks and new promoters, but until then ENJOY all the MX you can! It doesn't have to be with our organization, just get out there, have fun, and realize we are blessed to have what we have!!
For 25 years I have been in this sport and I was part of the resurrection of District 12 for the AMA. When we became part of "D12 on-road" (The off-road group was already very prominent), we were excited to bring the AMA in, and so was the AMA, in fact for the 1st year of our existence, they offered a discount on AMA memberships for the year! District 12 was ran by the track promoters, who were riders, and I was very much a part of it, YES, me.. a non-rider. I have been part of the AMA-District 12, District 12-Non AMA, the OMA, and other mx organizations, ALL ran by dedicated, hard-working individuals trying to do their best for the MX community.
The OMA gets numerous suggestions, class changes, etc.. every year, we do listen. Anyone who wants to meet and give our organization suggestions, contact me, but the beer is on you! If you don't want to meet, contact us on the OMA website! We appreciate everyone's feedback, but we can't do everything that everyone wants us to do. Every organization has to make choices that they feel is best.

Now for the topic of this thread: Situations change. People change. Ask the Hands, who are beyond capable of creating a kick-ass track and event for MX. Why in the world aren't they doing it anymore? Life changed. They wanted to move on and watch the boys be interested in other things, and still flourish into amazing MX riders, without the hassle! It is scary for new promoters to get involved with a series for some, and others just are happy with what they have. Not every track is wanting to become a national track, some tracks don't want to have to schedule around each other. MX 213 was ran by some really hard working people who just couldn't make it work with the fairgrounds, everything is situational! I look forward to new tracks and new promoters, but until then ENJOY all the MX you can! It doesn't have to be with our organization, just get out there, have fun, and realize we are blessed to have what we have!!

Makes sense, thanks for your input.
Just like D11??? Ha ha
D-11 Worked way back when. When it all started to go down hill is when the tracks started to organize within the district with the Buckeye series. Those chosen few tracks got contingency money for the rides ( which is great for the racers) but it started the good ole boys club within the promoters. The scheduling meeting became a us vs. them gathering. The tracks with buckeye races would walk in and say this is our dates. The tracks without where never given the opportunity to get a contingency race unless THEY got together and create another series within the series. Of course you also had Kenworthy at the time and no one dare schedule on “their dates”.
So what started as a great deal for the sport, very well may have been the downfall of D-11. Sure the district had other big issues like piss poor leadership that lost touch with both the racers and the tracks. BUT I believe that could have been corrected.
NONE of this is made up. In 2002 I tried to start 2 new track. I went to the scheduling meeting, I talked to the other tracks. And of course I knew all of the promoters. I lived it and was told straight up I had NO chance of getting a Buckeye race.
My grandparents owned and ran races in d-11 from the late 70’s to 1990 and those scheduling meeting were completely different, I know, because I was there. Same tracks, same promoters as in 2002 and the “feel” could not be more different.
I believe the guys that are running the two main organizations in the state do love the sport and are trying. But leaving tracks out and not having an “outside organization” that gives the racers a voice, ultimately will be the downfall.
But I could be wrong. Heck, that has to happen eventually. But I wouldn’t bet on it
Forgive the poor grammar and terrible spelling. It’s late and I’m on beer number....I don’t know? Twelveteen
I know for fact that the Race Ohio Buckeye Series is asking for any input and suggestions from riders on how to improve the series. They want to know what and how they can improve. They also listened last year, and I feel this year was better, and the banquet was also better than year 1.
D-11 Worked way back when. When it all started to go down hill is when the tracks started to organize within the district with the Buckeye series. Those chosen few tracks got contingency money for the rides ( which is great for the racers) but it started the good ole boys club within the promoters. The scheduling meeting became a us vs. them gathering. The tracks with buckeye races would walk in and say this is our dates. The tracks without where never given the opportunity to get a contingency race unless THEY got together and create another series within the series. Of course you also had Kenworthy at the time and no one dare schedule on “their dates”.
So what started as a great deal for the sport, very well may have been the downfall of D-11. Sure the district had other big issues like piss poor leadership that lost touch with both the racers and the tracks. BUT I believe that could have been corrected.
NONE of this is made up. In 2002 I tried to start 2 new track. I went to the scheduling meeting, I talked to the other tracks. And of course I knew all of the promoters. I lived it and was told straight up I had NO chance of getting a Buckeye race.
My grandparents owned and ran races in d-11 from the late 70’s to 1990 and those scheduling meeting were completely different, I know, because I was there. Same tracks, same promoters as in 2002 and the “feel” could not be more different.
I believe the guys that are running the two main organizations in the state do love the sport and are trying. But leaving tracks out and not having an “outside organization” that gives the racers a voice, ultimately will be the downfall.
But I could be wrong. Heck, that has to happen eventually. But I wouldn’t bet on it

Now this was a very long time ago, but we had a very similar experience as CK and it was frustrating and disappointing. I remember that first meeting with the AMA District 12. We were a very young excited group, with great ideas for contingency and sponsors and a banquet. I remember out balloon being busted quickly.. "Wait.. NO, you can't have those dates, and this series will negatively affect this other promoter(who was part of AMA congress) etc etc." They laughed at us when we told them of our banquet plan. We were told that we were "wasteful", why not just have beer and pizza? I remember our group knowing then, that we weren't going to get anything valuable from those D12 meetings, except for the Risk Management Training, which was required. We were a "group of tracks that had organized" but we were trying to bring change and bring D12 On-Road back to life! But the good ol' boys club wasn't having that, and we didn't have a say in ANYTHING. We were trying to survive against the CRA and D11 and we knew that we weren't going to get the support we needed from that district organization, it was not united. My posts are not digs on the AMA personally. Then, we felt very unattached to the AMA, even though sanctioning with them. NOW is a whole new ball game. I know if I need anything for our Battle Series or for our AMA events, I can call in a minute, and have what I need. I am so thankful for the emergence of Alex Hunter, because he became "invested" in our tracks and Ohio MX, not financially, but emotionally... and why is that? Because Alex Hunter is a RIDER! Let me not forget to mention that Alexandria at the AMA is second to NONE! As far as I am concerned, the AMA has stepped up as an organization in being "reachable", that is ALL because of them individually, not as a district-oriented organization. It may be different in other states, but it seems like the same song in D11, as D12. That was the main reason we stopped sanctioning races as a district.
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