Supercross Futures

I think I could do 4 days at red bud on national weekend for about the same price. By the time you get a hotel.

Beer tab might be higher.

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Yeah at 105 per class, 30 for mechanic, 70 per night for hotel x 2 nights, 45 per ticket for saturday. So I'm looking at 335 for the boy and I plus gas and food.
All these big races are expensive. I just added up, Daytona for 3 classes is costing me $715. That's for me, my son and my wife. Just for the race. Not a drop of gas, travel, food, etc.

Outdoors, this guy is no slouch on his Alta.

It takes a lot to get the groove going in theses races.
I was at Daytona watching the disparity between guys that have time on a SX track and ones that don't.
You don't just drop in and start hucking big doubles and tricky combination jumps overnight.

A few things stood out -
A) you have to be comfortable landing on you front wheel
B) you have to have firm compression and a slow rebound
C) you have to stay up in the rev's
D) you have to lead the bike over everything - even if you blow a section.

Here we go...
This gives a good look at the intensity.
Those guys are hammering - mistake or not - you keep hammering.

I'd case one - ONE - of those things and be done for the day.
Down here at ClubMX, this is all the kids ride now. The importance is SX. Not MX. If any of you have ever made it down, you know it's not easy to ride ANY of the outdoor, or "practice" tracks at Club. It's LL deep dirt with big huckers.

This is the future of MX, or SX I guess. Loretta Lynn's will be less important as time goes by.

Sad. No wonder off road is growing by leaps and bounds. Not everyone can ride this modified SX stuff safely.
Oh yeah, RBSR stuff. Was it ever for sale?

The action at the amateur SX’s is non stop.
I was glued to every race I watched.