Indy Supercross Futures


PR Founding Father
So who went besides Jeff Pape? Looked like most classes did not have full gates. 40+ only had 18 riders. In the results are the times the mains finished. Most finished 5 or 6 minutes after the other. Must not have run many laps.

Just comparing this to Daytona. You get 5 laps practice, 6 laps heat races and depending on class 7 or 8 laps mains for $80 a class.

Anyone go and have any thoughts?
I tried to go watch.....but it was $25 per person for gate fee Sunday. So we left and drove home.
Great job to Pape for 4th in 40 plus. Barry Carsten got a 2nd. He was in Daytona racing last week. I think all this guy does is go to races still.
They really tamed that track down. I cant believe how fast that guy hit that finish line jump, lol.
SX is WAY more difficult than it looks from behind a Go Pro.
When you see a couple guys go for it then yard sale, it takes on a new level of danger.

I raced 250C. We got to the check-in tent Saturday at about 2:00 and waited almost 2 hours to get my transponder and sign all the waivers. Parking was an absolute disaster Sunday. I got to the stadium at 5:30 a.m. and left the stadium at 7:00 p.m. after my main (moto 19). They started practice 45 mins late and we ran 4 laps for practice, 4 laps for heats, 3 laps for LCQ’s, and 6 laps for main events. The track was definitely tame compared to the other supercross futures races, but it was still fairly difficult (at least for me) considering how soft the dirt is in Indy. The track wasn’t really a concrete highway like I anticipated but the ruts on jump faces were pretty nasty every time I was on the track. I got 8th in my heat and 14th in the main event. Daytona is definitely a better experience overall, but I’m still glad I gave this a try because it was definitely a cool experience.
Nice sharc!! He had a late gate pick for the heat and I questioned him going in the #2 gate from the inside. I thought he should try to sweep the outside to keep from getting pinched off going into the corner.

I still thought he was going to get pinched off going into the corner off the start but Matthew had the bike laid clear over sliding it right around the inside of the bail. I was pretty pumped with his start for sure. He said he hit neutral on that second straight.
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