Bike Build Contest (I need your VOTES!)

Matt Berger

PR Member
Hey PitRacer! My YZ250 that I built for the 2021 "Broke to Built" contest was picked as a finalist by Cole Seely. The voting is now open to the public and I would really appreciate it if you could take a few seconds to vote for me. Only 1 day left!


Select "2 Stroke" and "Matt Berger's YZ250" then hit "VOTE"

Check out my YouTube channel for more content on this bike:

I built this bike with inspiration from Bradshaw's 1993 YZ250. The instant I saw the retro white, red, and purple, I knew this is what I had to do.

Thank you for your vote! Please SHARE this with your friends! LET'S WIN THIS!!!

You got my vote ...I love the end product !! Send it to David’s pingree he just had Bradshaw on the Whiskey throttle show !
Of all the ways to take a perfectly nice blue dirtbike and turn it into a purple seated, psychedelic ........ work of art.

Really like what you did and voted. You are doing well in second place.
Got you. You’re in second. With the best bike tho in my opinion. Let’s send a pallet fulla ballots For this guy.
Hey thank you guys for the votes, I really appreciate it!

Long story short, some people were cheating and the contest got reset. I have made it into the final round of voting for the overall spot!

Please follow the link to go give me a vote, I'd really appreciate it! (It only takes a few seconds, I swear!)

Vote here:

Head over to my YouTube channel if you want to see more on this bike:

Thank you all so much! Let's win this thing!

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