MEY Regional Results are Up!

Hot damn - thats a list, my scroll finger got pump.
Good on ya man.
For so many years folks from other states would make it a point to come race in Ohio.
Those times seem to be making a strong comeback -- That's badass
Any idea how many states showed up?
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Aerial View!
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Why does it look like part of the C track is prepped?
We've ran the "mega track" version at every race this year. Superminis were just under a two minute lap time, most 85's were right at about the 2 minute mark. A lot of the 65s were 2 minute to 2 minute 10 second laps. Pws were around 3 minutes.

We ran the full 16 group practices for 3 laps Saturday morning, 2 laps Sunday morning, and ran 6 laps for supers and 85s, 5 laps for girls, 65s, and 50 sr, 4 laps for PWs, E bike, and 50 Jr without cutting laps on any motos Sunday, done at 6:00 pm. I was proud of that. I've been told by many parents that the other regionals cut laps on Sunday, I haven't confirmed that though.
We've ran the "mega track" version at every race this year. Superminis were just under a two minute lap time, most 85's were right at about the 2 minute mark. A lot of the 65s were 2 minute to 2 minute 10 second laps. Pws were around 3 minutes.

We ran the full 16 group practices for 3 laps Saturday morning, 2 laps Sunday morning, and ran 6 laps for supers and 85s, 5 laps for girls, 65s, and 50 sr, 4 laps for PWs, E bike, and 50 Jr without cutting laps on any motos Sunday, done at 6:00 pm. I was proud of that. I've been told by many parents that the other regionals cut laps on Sunday, I haven't confirmed that though.
How many entries was there? Place looked crazy packed
We've ran the "mega track" version at every race this year. Superminis were just under a two minute lap time, most 85's were right at about the 2 minute mark. A lot of the 65s were 2 minute to 2 minute 10 second laps. Pws were around 3 minutes.

We ran the full 16 group practices for 3 laps Saturday morning, 2 laps Sunday morning, and ran 6 laps for supers and 85s, 5 laps for girls, 65s, and 50 sr, 4 laps for PWs, E bike, and 50 Jr without cutting laps on any motos Sunday, done at 6:00 pm. I was proud of that. I've been told by many parents that the other regionals cut laps on Sunday, I haven't confirmed that though.
Yes some other tracks had to cut laps but they also kept the track prepped. The track was awful. There was so much dust blowing off the start they could barely see to come down the next straight away. It was literally like riding concrete. Worse regional I have been to.
I don't think you could find any midwest track that wouldnt be dusty with 800 entries and 90+ degrees. Unless it was a manmade sand pit that started muddier than 97 high point, or in between moto prep leading to the day lasting till dark.

Only negative I saw (read about) was some jackass adult on a pitbike taking out a kid n breaking an arm..
I don't think you could find any midwest track that wouldnt be dusty with 800 entries and 90+ degrees. Unless it was a manmade sand pit that started muddier than 97 high point, or in between moto prep leading to the day lasting till dark.

Only negative I saw (read about) was some jackass adult on a pitbike taking out a kid n breaking an arm..
It sounds as you wasn’t there in person but if you was you would have seen that the track was very one lined quad track. The track doesn’t race well at all. It all came down to the starts, if you didn’t get a start I don’t care how fast you was you didn’t have a chance. Yes conditions was tough to keep up with, it was hot but no attempt was made. You watch any of the better ran tracks they are following the last bike around putting water down where they can between motos. You can dust a track with water that still has moisture in it and keep it in great shape. You can’t water a dry track, it just turns to ice and that’s what they did when the few times they attempted to control the dust. I was extremely disappointed in the track and the way it was ran. Not to mention the price gouging, 40 dollars for a transponder? Pretty clear briarcliff was only in it for the money and cared nothing about the race they way providing for these kids.
It did get dusty, we had a water truck go down, go figure, and the rental that we reserved broke down on the job it was on the week of the event, and the rental company could not repair it in time. I agree we need a better plan for the situation that we were in. I am currently looking for a cab over mack, more like the trucks red bud has built. Sorry Darrell, we we tried to do a good job. We will have a better plan next time.
Its better in my opinion, I think we need to move the turn out a little, and change the tie in lane coming into it. A lot of crashes in that turn because of ruts.
Seems like the turn is a little too tight. Maybe just open it up a little so you can carry just a little more speed into the corner and it should help getting over the ruts easier.

I didn't get to ride it yet so that's just an observation.

Glad you had a great turnout and weekend, you were due after all this crap the last year and a half.
What a truly amazing weekend. I had the privilege of helping out all weekend and the amount of work put in was crazy. Jeremy and the crew didn’t stop the whole time. Was it a little dusty? Sure. Was it 90+ degrees and windy? Yep. Where there thousands of laps put in? Yep. They did a great job. Parking was spot on. Staging was great. Vendors as far as the eye could see. Trackside support for suspension and bikes were there. The hardest working guy there was the trash man. Hats off to him, he must have hauled 20000 bags of trash.

But my favorite part of the weekend was the 3rd motos. The emotion in impound and on the podium was something I wasn’t prepared for. Seeing parents and kids dreams come true and seeing the emotion was amazing.

A lot of times we talk about the negative things in our sport but seeing kids punch their ticket made me realize why I love this sport. The hours in the car. Traveling. Injuries. Broken bikes. Tough losses. Then seeing all those things go away and that one moment of pure joy and happiness is hard to describe. I can’t wait to watch the motos in August and see how the riders that were racing this weekend do in their classes.