Tell me about Buckeye hills!


PR Elite
So figure we might go to a Buckeye series race and see if we can find some bigger gates. Never been to Buckeye hills, fill me on on what to expect. How is parking for a 43' RV? What is the track like? (Sharc, PVR is not a bigger version of Malvern). Hiw does it shape up? I see they are having a 2 day race and no practice, is it a tough track to learn in a few laps of race day practice ? Are air horns allowed?
Parking will suck.
Track is super fast, fun, up hills & downhills, pretty easy and really rocky in some places.
Parts of the track stay wet all day because of natural springs.
There's 2 pond that are clean and have good fishing in them.

I think Scott and his team will be handling the prep with his tiller, so I'm interested in seeing how that changes the way the track shapes up.

They have a downhill double that you can stretch out to 130'-140'...
Parking will suck.
Track is super fast, fun, up hills & downhills, pretty easy and really rocky in some places.
Parts of the track stay wet all day because of natural springs.
There's 2 pond that are clean and have good fishing in them.

I think Scott and his team will be handling the prep with his tiller, so I'm interested in seeing how that changes the way the track shapes up.

They have a downhill double that you can stretch out to 130'-140'...
Thanks. If we go I'll try to head out early since I have the big beast to park.
Parking will be tough. Last time I was there, we were able to go to the top of the hill to park since motorhomes cant make it up the hill. Take a pit bike if you have one to ride to the top of the hill to the track. The probably should have taken part of the lower section of the track out so they could use that area for parking.

Nothing on the track is hard. Table tops and natural terrain. If there is a double, its not much, unless Scott has added some jumps. It is fast. One of the problems in the past, is that they could never disc deep enough, so the top was moist and nice, but about 6 inches down would be hard pack and slick. Hopefully Scott has some equipment there and helps with that problem. Parts of it is rocky.

One thing about it for sure, the 50, 65, and 85 gates are always full so Austin will have some full gates for sure.

It is tough to make a track great when you race it one weekend every couple years. So we will see how it turns out. I know people have been putting a lot of hours in getting the place ready for sure.
After we chatted yesterday I checked out a few vids and it looked interesting, lots of long, fast downhills it looked like.

Also does everyone feel this will really happen or be a last minute move to East fork situation like I've seen in the past?
After we chatted yesterday I checked out a few vids and it looked interesting, lots of long, fast downhills it looked like.

Also does everyone feel this will really happen or be a last minute move to East fork situation like I've seen in the past?
I don't think it will be moved. I've seen some photos and videos of them working on the track. So it's going to happen. They are getting a little rain the last two days. That will help them before the weekend for sure.
Tracks okay not the best has the one big downhill which is fun but the rest of the track there’s no much to it. Track isn’t deep at all a few off camber corners. Definitely really fast. Overall jumps and everything aren’t difficult. Start is uphill to a tight left definitely don’t wanna have a bad get pick cause the outside would suck. Hopefully they built the jumps up and hopefully the prep is better because there’s no good way to get around the place to water
Taking the weekend off. Maybe next two. Fall baseball and bike needs, plus we all need a break. Besides, PVR took all I had in wanting to check something new out... Have fun!
Well looks interesting enough to give it a shot. I won't expect too much, that would I won't be disappointed but I could also be surprised !
There has been added dirt, sand and the track will shape up well and should develop some nice ruts.As far as the start goes it was placed at an angle with the inner gates having more of an uphill grade you can get a hole shot from the inside to the far right gates, this has been tested and proven.
Track looks cool both times ive been there to buy stuff, but I heard theyre strictly anti jester hats and anti-assholes, looks like your out DHDS01
Wow....that really hurts my feelings. Actually it doesn't. Before an insult ( I'm not sure profanity counts since any simpleton can sling them) can be effective, the receiver needs to value the opinion of the aggressor.
They just shy of 400 entry's . That was probably the max they could handle parking wise. They guided almost everyone into a spot.
The track was perfect all day Saturday thanks to Scott and his crew. I don't think there was any ambulance rides at all .
It was nice to ride/race something elevation changes ..
A slight drizzle for most of the night made the track a swamp, so the had to cancel Sunday's race.

A big thanks needs to go out to Aaron Brown the owner of the track. He doesn't have to have races out there , he chooses to..

Also the amount of work Scott , Rick and crew put this weekend was insane.