GP Series coming back for 2022.....

Jack Bierbower

PR Addict
As we work through the details I figured I could get the buzz going here to start...…A new promoter is taking over the moto x country/gp series that was dropped a couple years ago. I am helping out by taking on the social media and marketing side of the project. Right now we are looking at venues that want to host a GP - we have 2 set up already one of which being crow canyon.

The cliff notes below.....flame away....provide some input. I am really excited to see this type of racing come back - I have complained about local racing enough so I'm going to try to help make it better

  • 4 Round GP series
  • Transponder Scoring (Sport Tag)
  • Split Day Program - Races at 9am, 10am, 11am, Noon, 1pm, and 2pm
  • Less Classes
  • 30 minute plus 1 Lap
  • Mix of motocross, woods, and grass - depending on facility - if they have a track it will be one full lap on the moto - fully prepped track - wide and flowy woods
  • All potential venues located near New Philadelphia - could change if some tracks are not interested and others are
  • mideastgps on instagram - no posts so far - working on some race ads as we speak
You may want to consider a sprint enduro format. That being said, I always like GP races and will likely race whatever you put out. Thanks for bringing them back!
Ha thanks. I just wasn't sure.

Couple things --
1. Freeh is spot on, I'd love to see someone in Ohio try sprint enduros.
2. The one issue I've seen with a lot of GPs is just too much tight woods. More open grass track stuff, things like that.

Yeah a few of my favorite courses over the years were TV Land 2017, COCR 2018, Crow 2019, Malvern 2019. I am going to be helping cut the courses in and I don't dig the tight woods either. I'm sure some sections will be "tight" by motocrosser standards but....

Last one at crow we drove a skid steer through the whole thing - expect more of that style.
As for the sprint enduros there is potential to head into that market for sure. Our goal this year was to keep things short with 4 races so we are not biting off more than we can chew.

I expect our schedule to come out last out of everyone because we want to be really mindful of other races so we are not competing with other series/tracks/events etc.

Right now we are looking at roughly 1 spring, 1 summer while gncc is on break and 2 in the fall.
What ever happened to crow canyon I raced there once way back and it was sick for the motocross track. Does the moto track not exist ?
So I've raced HS for 5 or so years back in the early 90s and loved them. That bring said, here are some ideas from that stand point moved to an MX racer. I'm assuming you're trying to draw in from both the off road crowd and the MX crowd.

The biggest complaint I hear from my friends and others that ride MX is that the GP courses are usually 75 to 80 % woods. Shoot for closer to a 50/50 mix if possible

Like Vet261 said, too tight in the woods. The last crow was still too technical and tight for most mx guys, you'll just scare them off. Your COCR perspective is spot on. Nothing tighter than that.

Offer a Mini class during the vet group. I would keep it to experienced 65 and 85 riders only. Make it a requirement that they race the earlier short race first before allowing them to sign up to ensure they are capable. I've heard complaints in the past that young riders don't have an option to ride more than one group like the adults. And I'm in the same boat now with Austin, I signed him up in the under 25 class this weekend at Amherst because it was small and they allowed him in for a 2nd class.

Make sure when creating times for race starts you allow plenty of extra time between so they don't get backed up and start late. Looks like you have that one covered.

Super pumped to see this happening !! Good luck !
So I've raced HS for 5 or so years back in the early 90s and loved them. That bring said, here are some ideas from that stand point moved to an MX racer. I'm assuming you're trying to draw in from both the off road crowd and the MX crowd.

The biggest complaint I hear from my friends and others that ride MX is that the GP courses are usually 75 to 80 % woods. Shoot for closer to a 50/50 mix if possible

Like Vet261 said, too tight in the woods. The last crow was still too technical and tight for most mx guys, you'll just scare them off. Your COCR perspective is spot on. Nothing tighter than that.

Offer a Mini class during the vet group. I would keep it to experienced 65 and 85 riders only. Make it a requirement that they race the earlier short race first before allowing them to sign up to ensure they are capable. I've heard complaints in the past that young riders don't have an option to ride more than one group like the adults. And I'm in the same boat now with Austin, I signed him up in the under 25 class this weekend at Amherst because it was small and they allowed him in for a 2nd class.

Make sure when creating times for race starts you allow plenty of extra time between so they don't get backed up and start late. Looks like you have that one covered.

Super pumped to see this happening !! Good luck !

We have a class in the afternoon bike size that could have that option - like a 150cc and under 2 stroke class?

Course design will absolutely vary track to track - I think part of the fun is knowing crow is going to have slightly tighter woods and malvern is little woods lots of track.

I know it will peeve the moto guys so we have to walk that line. Woods guys HATE double but bad news for them is we are not planning on cutting any sections of track. Could be an option to go around a "big" jump but with a substantial penalty.

I though the golf course was too tight myself. I got 10th place at the golf course and 3rd at Malvern. LOL.
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prefer 45 minutes + 1 lap.

pine lake was a lot of fun.
tvland as well.

crow canyon losing half the property saddens me. I remember that moto . Was fun. But very woodsy.

I didn't expect motocross guys to want more seat time. YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY BE PUSHING THAT HARD.

I could see the length of motos being made longer - right now 30 is the number and hopefully that encourages folks to do a second class.

I think we are shooting for a 7-10 minute lap to put us around 40-45 minutes for the leaders.
Rough list - might have spoke too soon on minis with big bikes. Think there are some insurance restrictions on that or something - not sure I'm just the marketing guy.

9 A.M
  • Pee Wee JR
  • Pee Wee SR
  • Pee Wee Novice
10 A.M
  • Mini JR
  • Mini SR
  • Trail
11 A.M
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • Sportsman (Non Points)
  • Open Pro Sport
1 P.M
  • Under 25
  • 25+
  • 40+
  • 50+
  • Women's
2 P.M
  • Under 150cc
  • 250cc to 300cc
  • 300cc to 450cc
  • Open Extra Bike
Rough list - might have spoke too soon on minis with big bikes. Think there are some insurance restrictions on that or something - not sure I'm just the marketing guy.

9 A.M
  • Pee Wee JR
  • Pee Wee SR
  • Pee Wee Novice
10 A.M
  • Mini JR
  • Mini SR
  • Trail
11 A.M
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • Sportsman (Non Points)
  • Open Pro Sport
1 P.M
  • Under 25
  • 25+
  • 40+
  • 50+
  • Women's
2 P.M
  • Under 150cc
  • 250cc to 300cc
  • 300cc to 450cc
  • Open Extra Bike
But see my point, a big bike has 4 options to ride. And seasoned off road guys might run 3 or 4. But an advanced mini rider would only have 1 option to race ? Look at mx .... most of the time little bikes have some of the largest classes. Supporting our sports future means giving little bikes time to ride.
But see my point, a big bike has 4 options to ride. And seasoned off road guys might run 3 or 4. But an advanced mini rider would only have 1 option to race ? Look at mx .... most of the time little bikes have some of the largest classes. Supporting our sports future means giving little bikes time to ride.

Loud and clear - and good point. I'll definitely bring up adding a later option for minis so they can run a second class.
Couple more comments:

Grears would be an awesome GP with all the tracks and property.

Regarding GP layouts -- the most fun layouts I've ridden are the most creative. It's easy to just get stuck into the routine of go around MX track, then dip into the woods. That's lazy layout in my opinion.
One of the most fun things about the TV Land GPs was the variety, a few turns/straights on MX, then dip into the woods for a straight, then into grass field, etc.
You also don't have to abibe by the rule of running the MX track exactly how it's laid out. You can hit some sections backwards, cross ways, etc.
Creativity is key.
Couple more comments:

Grears would be an awesome GP with all the tracks and property.

Regarding GP layouts -- the most fun layouts I've ridden are the most creative. It's easy to just get stuck into the routine of go around MX track, then dip into the woods. That's lazy layout in my opinion.
One of the most fun things about the TV Land GPs was the variety, a few turns/straights on MX, then dip into the woods for a straight, then into grass field, etc.
You also don't have to abibe by the rule of running the MX track exactly how it's laid out. You can hit some sections backwards, cross ways, etc.
Creativity is key.
Yes, and especially when they make creative sections. Like at Amherst one time they took us up and over the storage trailer behind the start. WRMC takes you through the barn for scoring. Dade city took us through the horse barn. Get inventive for more fun!