Stark Varg


PR Founding Father
Got a chance to check out the Stark.
Got a chance to ride it too.
Not on the track - but a few rips when the coast was clear.
Only jeans, a T-shirt & a helmet.

I HAD to give it back or else I was going piss off a lot of people
O.M.G !
Has anyone else ripped one yet?
Let's discuss -


PR Founding Father
Heard John 250 was spotted wearing all black and a ski mask rippin one around. Must be that good!

Kinda like the alta, i couldn't justify it as my only bike at this point. Plus it seems you still cant race them alota places even in vet classes. I do want to ride one (never even got to ride an Alta). They look bad ass. I want to feel the power. These freestyle guys say the bike is like a cheat code for whips.


PR Addict
I rode one at Briarcliff last year. It took me about 1/2 a lap to figure out how not to loop out over jumps. Think i did about 6-7 laps and loved it. By lap 3 I felt faster than I did all day. Sadly after riding it and hopping on my 23 kx450 felt like an old dinosaur. I immediately put a deposit on one the following Monday. The negative is it won’t be allowed to race in AMA events anytime soon. I talked to everyone from Burkeen at the AMA , Davey Coombs and Tim Cotter and all shared the same answer, NO. I spoke with Matt Walker about it he said e-bikes won’t be allowed until Honda has there’s in production and that’s 4-6yrs out.
DC was on the Gypsy Tales podcast recently and shared the same thing.


PR Founding Father
The back tire was Roached - Ha!
Guy says he's going to run a desert type next ....tooo funny.


PR Founding Father
And talking with him. The loop-OUT factor is real.
I felt it on the Alta right away.
He said it was the only thing he needed to re-learn on the track.


PR Founding Father
i've done a few motos at malvern on the stark (if you want to see the slow lines -

the bikes are super easy to jump on and go. I struggled with the transition BACK to my 450 after.. took me a few sessions to get used to.. but jumping on the stark i was up to speed mostly in a few laps.

80hp is gnarly and probably pretty unusable for most people. 50-60 seemed to be the sweet spot for me that was rideable.

i struggled w/ having no engine breaking - no problem, hit a few buttons and there it is, that helped me ride it a lot.


PitRacer Pro
I raced in NY last weekend and I saw 2 different ones racing in Vet classes, I wanted to talk to the guys about them but never saw them in the pits.

Are they not legal everywhere racing? Even in Vet classes??


PR Addict
I raced in NY last weekend and I saw 2 different ones racing in Vet classes, I wanted to talk to the guys about them but never saw them in the pits.

Are they not legal everywhere racing? Even in Vet classes??
They’re not legal in any AMA.
Per Mike Burkeen -since they are not AMA legal and you wreck and hurt someone the track is 100% liable if someone decided to sue.


PR Founding Father
Some guys were talking on FB about it today. One guy said riding at speed on a motocross track it was good for about 20 minutes before it started losing battery. So in reality could a amatuer take one to a local track and practice, go into moto one or two after that, and then race 4 motos during the day on it?


PR Elite
Has anyone else ripped one yet?
Let's discuss -
I had a chance to experience one on a friend's track not long ago and this was my subsequent YouTube video response (with typo fix):

"As an analog elder rider I was amazed that I was instantly at home on this Stark Varg. The rider layout seemed just as I adjust my own bikes. It's riding on my favorite tire combination and I've known and appreciated modern KYB suspension for years. Bikes with a hard hit and a strong pull make the old play racer in me happy and the Stark Varg brings that to another level. With this bike set for maximum regen braking the weight under braking is definitely mitigated and no doubt helps make for this bike's comfortable feeling. This old dog experienced a new trick bike, thoroughly enjoyed it."


PR Founding Father
Some guys were talking on FB about it today. One guy said riding at speed on a motocross track it was good for about 20 minutes before it started losing battery. So in reality could a amatuer take one to a local track and practice, go into moto one or two after that, and then race 4 motos during the day on it?
Plenty of reports of guys doing it. My generators on runnin my air conditioning, wouldnt hurt me to plug the bike in too. Lol

I love the idea, but not like left wing save the planet people want us to. Electric power is instant. Way less maintenance. Could build a track in the city and cover it in turf n moto all the time. I cant not have a 450 too tho so maybe once I recoup from this new yam, just maybe ill try one as a second play bike. Kinda waiting for one of the big players to drop something comparable. These small manufacturers scare me because of what alta did.


PR Member
Brutal! When the Alta came out we all had this same conversation. “Omg it’s amazing “. “ power is awesome “ “easy to ride”. Where is Alta now? Exactly!! Yes electric motorcycles have there place. But it won’t be at a national anytime soon if ever. Definitely not it my lifetime. And as far as “omg it’s so fast”. “It puts out 80 hp”. In the right mode it’s no faster than a 450 it just has more acceleration which it should it’s electric, duh. The Tesla plaid is one of the quickest cars on the planet, yes I said quickest not fastest. Don’t see it taking over drag strips, highways etc! Voting is in November, all you homos that like this electric make sure you vote for your boy ! s**t my pants Joe!!! No I don’t want to hear your excuses why your a trump fan but believe in electric!!!! It’s the future!! Lmfao! Please. Don’t see any Japanese manufacturers focusing on electric. Nope actually Toyota is working on hydrogen power!!


PR Founding Father
Coombs needs to look at this line he looked at it with the cobra 50cc.

Just take 42 more entry fees and add the stark class. And 400x that for all the areas and regions.

Hate to break it to you boys. But electric is the future. It’s not if. It’s just when.

And my garage sits as such:
‘95 cr250
‘06 144
‘11 yz250
‘23 ktm sx 300.

I still haven’t got over the 4-stroke taking over the sport.

The electric boys will
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PR Addict
Coombs needs to look at this line he looked at it with the cobra 50cc.

Just take 42 more entry fees and add the stark class. And 400x that for all the areas and regions.

Hate to break it to you boys. But electric is the future. It’s not if. It’s just when.

And my garage sits as such:
‘95 cr250
‘06 144
‘11 yz250
‘23 ktm sx 300.

I still haven’t got over the 4-stroke taking over the sport.

The electric boys will
I hate to agree with George but Electric is here and is the future. Plus, nothing wrong with them and getting better and better.


PR Founding Father
Electric bikes will KILL professional motocross as a spectator sport. They also will probably KILL local motocross if they do away with gas classes.


PR Addict
I’ve talked to a lot of people and they all say it’s an amazing machine. If they could get the battery to last 3 hours, I’d consider buying one.


PR Elite
Electric bikes will KILL professional motocross as a spectator sport. They also will probably KILL local motocross if they do away with gas classes.

John, Old Joe should never be near one but if you ever get the chance, take a spin on a Stark Varg. I was instantly comfortable on a bike that should have been totally foreign and new. It seemed very familiar and was super zippy.