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  • In need of sponsorship assistance for 2013. I'm trying to get my pro license but and have very limited funds and looking for additional help. I want to thank Eric with SRS Suspension for all that you continue to help me with. Also would like to thank Jason with Malvern Mx, Kames Sports, Nick with Battlesburg, Betchel Properties and also special thanks to my family for their continue assistance and support.
    In need of sponsorship assistance for 2013. I'm trying to get my pro license but and have very limited funds and looking for additional help. I want to thank Eric with SRS Suspension for all that you continue to help me with. Also would like to thank Jason with Malvern Mx, Kames Sports, Nick with Battlesburg, Betchel Properties and also special thanks to my family for their continue assistance and support.
    In need of sponsorship assistance for 2013. I'm trying to get my pro license but and have very limited funds and looking for additional help. I want to thank Eric with SRS Suspension for all that you continue to help me with. Also would like to thank Jason with Malvern Mx, Kames Sports, Nick with Battlesburg, Betchel Properties and also special thanks to my family for their continue assistance and support.
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