Recent content by nmwestover10

  1. nmwestover10

    Track Alienation and Communication

    And let me tell you a little something about Lonnie I've known him for a while now and he puts his heart and soul into that track and so what he forgot to post practice one time and everyone wants to cause a big stink if anyone even realizes the amount of time this man puts into his track you...
  2. nmwestover10

    Track Alienation and Communication

    Crybaby bullsh*t to be exact
  3. nmwestover10

    Track Alienation and Communication

    I always try to post for the tracks I work with. But sometimes things do get ahead of track owners. Not a lot of people understand the time, hard work, stress, frustration it takes to run a track.
  4. nmwestover10

    Track Alienation and Communication

    You know Lonnie I think the "experts" should of been asked the question is rt 62 open this weekend. They seem to know all. As far as PitRacer YES IT IS A GREAT TOOL but I don't think people realize how good social media is as well. When I post a video for a track and it reaches 10k people in 3...
  5. nmwestover10

    Must Read...Ask the experts!

    I think ask the experts should remain open for all of eternity. This makes my work day much more pleasurable!!! Priceless!
  6. nmwestover10

    Malvern Mx Track Layout Changes

    Well if you didn't jump the table to table your not going to do the triple. It's using your best judgement. Personally I think the changes are great. Changes at Malvern have been way overdue and Jason did an excellent job on them! I mean it's like a new track who doesn't like a new place to...
  7. nmwestover10

    indoor MX in ytown?

    Well props to you for doing this! Another track to go to will be awesome! And for everyone who is hating your just jealous he will have a bad a** track!! We are looking forward to bring Landon up to ride!!!
  8. nmwestover10

    Summit Indoors - Jan. 10,11 & 12

    Had a blast this weekend! Landon is addicted!!