Recent content by L_M_892

  1. L_M_892


    The nationals don't use traditional scoring, they combine points from each moto. It's why a 1-3 beats a 2-2. 24th and 22nd each pay 0 points. 20th pays 1 point. They each finished the day with 1 point and Mitch had the better 2nd moto, same with the DNF, it pays 0 points.
  2. L_M_892

    Congrats Mitch Zaremba!

    They switched to this format for safety reasons. Last year anyone in A and B were able to sign up. There were riders 20+ seconds off Ryder D and Hymas. This also now allows for the futures main to be held during the night show as opposed to during the day. Riders are closer in speeds, and more...
  3. L_M_892

    Championship bonus less $7,500 for Osborne!

    PC did an official protest on Husky for the move. I imagine the A-holes felt pressure to do something after that, even though it was pretty much nothing. $7500 is so minuscule when thinking that just a race win bonus for 250's is $50,000 (atleast what PC race win bonus is), let alone whatever...
  4. L_M_892

    Practice days:

    Thought so. But it's over 2 hours from me so its not feasible on a week night. Was hoping/thinking something closer to NW PA ha.
  5. L_M_892

    Practice days:

    I had been thinking the same thing. Or even Thursday evening practice. Dirt world always use to get a crowd on their Thursday practices.
  6. L_M_892

    Beans sunday 4/30

    Is there a chance, or do you know if you'll be opening up this Sunday?
  7. L_M_892

    Qualifier question

    Was at Pleasure Valley regional in 2003 and they canceled all of the 3rd set of motos because of mud/running out of time. So, yes, a regional will cancel motos if they have too.
  8. L_M_892

    WRMC - Spring MX Race 4/23

    Are you guys going to be holding open practice on Saturday before Sundays race?
  9. L_M_892

    Congratulations Dirt Monkey (or my new hero; pint sized edition)

    Watched the third moto on RacerTv and never picked up on his name in the LL thread. Anyhow, I was blown away with this kid on 50 entrance speed into to corners and his line choice. Swept the outside every where and kept up his momentum. He was very fun to watch. Then I come to find out he is...
  10. L_M_892

    So.......What is the problem. Money????

    This is great Art, and will definitely help out the rider count. However, I think an issue of yours is your lack of advertisement. You are not an any social media and don't post on here too often. When you do post on here, it's not in a timely manner. I responded in your one open practice...
  11. L_M_892

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    Another way I was thinking that could draw more racers is doing what CTMX did by offering free A class and 50 class entry. Maybe try drawing classes, 1 or 2, out of a hat weekly and those classes get free entry. Speaking for myself, if I saw my class was free somewhere there would be a good...
  12. L_M_892

    What would it take to bring you back to RACING

    I grew up racing locally and doing the whole LL thing for about 7 years. Been out of "racing" for almost 8 years and now am just a pro practicer. The reason I don't race anymore is a combination of everything already stated in this post. I don't want to pay $100+ to race for 8 laps against 4...
  13. L_M_892

    Webb vs. Savatgy

    Thought the same thing. Savatgy went into the turn hotter than he expected and pushed Webb wider than he wanted too. Also, judging by J-Marts post on Instagram, he doesn't seem too pleased with it. Webb and Andersons riding styles are similar, next year we could see some fireworks when those...
  14. L_M_892

    Webb vs. Savatgy

    With all the local drama going on this week, I haven't seen anyone discussing the drama between Webb and Savatgy on here. What are peoples thoughts on Savatgy's move? Webb's move? Either rider right or wrong? Curious to hear peoples takes. My thoughts are that brake checking is the dirtiest...
  15. L_M_892

    The Last Straw....Im out.

    Maybe I missed the point of the OMA along the lines somewhere and that's fine. But, I don't believe anyone is saying that 62 needs their hand held. I was led to believe that the OMA was put in place to promote the greatest possible racing in Ohio. So, with that belief I assumed that every...