Recent content by Ronster

  1. Ronster

    Harold Robison. RIP

    Well fellow PR's, It's been five years since Harold passed away. I flew to Cleveland in August '24 and rented a car and drove down to Harold's final resting place in the cemetery where he and his Parents are laid just North of Heaters, WV. I was able to visit with his Sister Sheila, Cousin...
  2. Ronster

    Harold Robison. RIP

    Hello Friends and Family of Harold's. Well sadly it has been five years since Harold soared over the leap of life. Surely many of you miss him as much as I do. I was able to travel to his Parents farm in W VA this past August and Harold's Sister Sheila and I went up to the the family cemetery...
  3. Ronster

    Harold Robison. RIP

    Great pics Charles, Thanks much, Ron
  4. Ronster

    Harold Robison. RIP

    Well it's been four years since Harold passed away and I still miss him terribly/ I talk about him with family and friends and we all fell the same loss. We love Ya Harold! RIP, Ronster
  5. Ronster

    Harold Robison. RIP

    Harold would appreciate your words. He rode many brands throughout his racing years but he like the Zukes best of all. He was, in my opinion, smother on them than any of the other brands he rode. He liked the power and speed of the Hondas but he suffered so many engine failures that he switched...
  6. Ronster

    Harold Robison. RIP

    Well hello Friends of Harolds, Just back on PR to report that I harvested my 3rd Montana Buck with Harold's Remington 30-06 last night. I called his Sister Sheila to let her know and she was happy to hear that Harold's memory lives on. Harold loved deer hunting as much as he did motocross and...
  7. Ronster

    Smith Road: Sunday (5/22) from 12-5pm

    I am glad to hear that your family still operates the track to provide a place to ride. Many riders aren't actually entering races but just need a place to ride. I grew up on Boston Rd. in Brunswick Hills. We enjoyed thousands of acres and literally hundreds of miles of trails, in addition to...
  8. Ronster

    Smith Road: Sunday (5/22) from 12-5pm

    That's sad. Why have open practice nights without Sunday races to prove what your practice is developing into? Are the other Ohio tracks limited to three races per year? Are they still operational? I live in Montana now so I am out of the loop. Thanks for your time. Ronster
  9. Ronster

    Smith Road: Sunday (5/22) from 12-5pm

    George is probably rolling in his grave! Wednesday night is practice night and Sundays are for racing! Did the neighbors finally bitch enough to stop Sunday racing? SNiveling Bitches!
  10. Ronster

    Smith Road: Sunday (5/22) from 12-5pm

    What? No Sunday races at Smith Rd.?
  11. Ronster

    Harold Robison. RIP

    Harold and I were like Brothers. We shared in each others family functions for years. I miss him terribly. The stories I could share would have many LOL for hours. Others would make you cry. He gave me his beloved Remington 760 30-06 which both Harold and I harvested many a West Virginia deer...