Recent content by motomonkey729

  1. M

    AMA VMD racing back to 2 separate days

    I did not race there last year because I did not trust that the AMA could execute the race as promised. I look forward to attending the swap meet on Saturday and racing on Sunday.
  2. M

    Blackwater 100

    Denny Laidig from Holeshot KTM got 8th there on a Rokon back in the 70's
  3. M

    Yett another Bubba move

    JS7 has extreme talent and ability but he is mentally weak.
  4. M

    Bubbas out yet again

    I think Stewart has one goal; to set the record for the most Supercross wins. At 30 years old he's probably not going to win the series.
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    I always thought NASCAR was hypocritical for penalizing drivers but more people tuned in and ticket sales increased the next week.
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    Skyview Practice open Today Dec 13th

    Track has some great off cambers and horsepower draining hills. The owners are really cool too. I will be spending a lot of time riding here.
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    When I first raced CRA in 1987 there was only one place that held open practice. Last time I raced CRA was Malvern in 1998. I never raced OMA or D12. I became a "Pro Practicer" for a few years. Now I race a few vintage races each year and hit the practice tracks a few more times. I stopped...
  8. M

    Official James Stewart positivity thread

    Some races he is clearly the fastest rider in the world.
  9. M

    VMD Three Moto Format for Motocross

    I will not be racing this year because of the new schedule format. I would rather shop at the swap meet, watch some road races, view some cool bikes and see the other sites. Some of my other friends are doing the same.
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    Roach CZ's in the classifieds

    Bike are sold to a local CZ fan.
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    1974 CZ Red Frame bikes

    I just picked up 2 1974 CZ Red Frame Radial Head bikes. The bike with the plastic tank is a 380 with a snail pipe. The engine will not turn. The one with the original tank is a 250. It turns over. They have sitting outside for a long time. Anyone know anything about these? Do they make good...
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    Behind the Dream:Episode 4

    Yes Mr. Deegan. Tell me more about your one career win. Tell me how you threw away a career and a shot at becoming an elite athlete. Tell me how you became the second best sideshow act on a motorcycle who entertains fat, drunk rednecks that ride farm equipment quads.
  13. M

    Online Shopping Vs. In-Store Purchases

    Have a look at the 3/50 Project website. This applies to all businesses. Basically for every $100.00 spent locally $68.00 returns to the community through patrol, taxes and other expenditures. Spend $100.00 at a national chain and $43.00 returns to...
  14. M

    Four-Stroke Rule Change-Help!

    Greg Zitterkoph rode an ATK 604 at some open/500 nationals in the late '80s. Chuck Sun also rode a 4 stroke. I think it was a 650 Husky. Doug Henry rode the YZ400 at the '97 Vegas supercross and won. He also raced the outdoor 250 series on it in '97. Poor guy broke his back at Budd's...