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  1. Wino

    sandusky valley sept 16

    There were a handfull of members riding tonight. Track was pretty fun. I'm thinking I'll race a couple classes this weekend! There's also a "benefit" line-up of 50/50, raffles and other deals.
  2. Wino

    vids to hold us over until spring.....Post them..

    I'm looking foward to a bonus season of two-wheeled fun. We had nice turnouts for last year's rink runs and I'm hoping for more of the same this year. Here's a short look at last winter's action.
  3. Wino

    Sandusky Valley Riders 10/1 - 10/2

    I was at the track this morning. SVR had light rain most of the night last night. Light rain was continuing this morning. I viewed only the top part of the was wet with water in the ruts. I doubt SVR will post any cancellation, but today's practice will be messy...if held. Water...
  4. Wino

    SVR AHRMA/GP Reminder

    I can't say this is a certainty, but I understand the format to be "MX" style motos, i.e. 2 motos:combined result. The statement "we will run on our GP course" suggests to me that most of the "modern MX/SX" obstacles will be omitted. However, Feasel319 goes on to say "no doubles", so maybe all...