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  1. Original44

    Bathroom Laws

    You might give a sh*t if you had a daughter. So your ok with this?
  2. Original44

    The Mother of All Qualifiers May 6-7-8

    Wow, you guys did an awesome job. Thanks to you and your staff, we had a great time this weekend.
  3. Original44

    mayor Jackson

    Not Cleveland, but the taxpayer.
  4. Original44

    OLD SCHOOL... 1981/82 CRA Banquet

    Very cool picture! I'm in there, and 5 kids I went to school with. I believe it's for the 1983 season. Yes Tina that is Dale Spangler. He's the one holding the big trophy in the middle.
  5. Original44

    Roll Call: TV Land

    We are going to watch my daughter graduate from Ohio University. Sorry Trevor we're going to have to miss it.
  6. Original44

    Attn Quad riders.....

    I do know a group of vet riders that practice there every weekend. They aren't going this weekend because of the Quads. That is what they told me. Remember, I'm just telling you what they told me. So don't kill the messenger.
  7. Original44

    CTMX Opinions

    Brock Papi was jumping it.
  8. Original44

    CTMX Opinions

    Ashton a good kid from England. He crashed really hard on Sunday and still managed to do well. Knox, sorry I missed you, it was a busy weekend.
  9. Original44

    CTMX Opinions

    We know a lot of the kids from MTF. When we were down there a couple of weeks ago, we told them to come to Chillitown. They all seem to like the track. Talk to some other friends who had never been there and they absolutely love the track and the facility. Only complaint I heard was the track...
  10. Original44


    We had a great time this weekend! You and your crew did a great job. Thanks!
  11. Original44

    Vp fuel

    T4! it is what VP recommended to me when I called them. If you're running a stock bike its what they recommend.
  12. Original44

    Rt 62 MX ..... why am I only hearing crickets??

    Just give Trevor sometime. He's trying to figure it out and trying to do it right. He's finally allowing quads and your complaining. :confused:
  13. Original44

    OMA MX Racing @ TV Land April 30th/May1st

    Looks like a great schedule, both Saturday and Sunday! Love the split atv and bike schedule. Keep up the good work Trevor.
  14. Original44

    OMA's 125 class?

    Are you saying it's OK to run a 144 in a true 125 class? Are you saying it ok to cheat? How about Ktrop, Hershey, Crazycat 259, or TwentyThreeMx, are you guys saying it ok to cheat. I wish one of you guys would sack up and answer the question? Is it ok to cheat!!!
  15. Original44

    OMA's 125 class?

    Do you feel the same if it's a LL qualifiers? How about the Baja Brawl, Mini O's or The Can-Am race at Area 51? If you've raced any of those races then you know just how damn expensive they are. Some of these events cost thousands of dollars to attend. ( entry fees, gas, hotels, meals, and...
  16. Original44

    OMA's 125 class?

    Once again, I have know problem with the OMA's 125 class being a 150cc class. I do have a problem when they run other sanctioning bodies true 125 class and are still on big bores. Jeremy, I think you would agree with that, correct?
  17. Original44

    ? On 2013 YZ250 2 stroke

    Scott, If you need help rebuilding it, I would recommend Parma Dave. When he does a crank he has them perfectly balanced. When I had my sons bike rebuilt, he did that and it's unbelievable how much less vibration is in that bike. Man truly takes pride in his work and we never had a problem...
  18. Original44

    OMA's 125 class?

    Scott, weren't you selling a big bore 125 last year. LOL! :eek:
  19. Original44

    OMA's 125 class?

    I really don't have a problem with OMA being a 150 class. I do have a problem when rides race outside of OMA on bikes that are over 125cc. I know two rides that raced big bores at the LL qualifier at Malvern. Sad part is do I protest a friend at the regional, or do I allow a friend to cheat my...