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  1. dnutt


    They usually open around noon I think.
  2. dnutt


    What did he change/add?
  3. dnutt

    Moto Fite Club - Ohio Track??

    Anyone know how Bydous is associated with ytown and oir?
  4. dnutt

    Moto Fite Club - Ohio Track??

    Anyone know what happened to Ivan??
  5. dnutt

    Favorite track section in Ohio

    I know I'm in the minority here but you can keep the rollers! My old ass hates bouncing through them trying to hang on lol
  6. dnutt

    Favorite track section in Ohio

    When was this? I was there Wednesday... came up just short 1st attempt and thought I was gonna eat it but held on..would be nice if he could make a longer more forgiving landing though... I like tripling down then hitting that step up on the front section
  7. dnutt

    Favorite track section in Ohio

    Wow I didn't realize they were close to the same size!! I figured around 100 ft. my buddy said the owner said he extended it a little last week. I was in 4th to clear it on my 350 but probably could've cleared it in 3rd.
  8. dnutt

    Favorite track section in Ohio

    Any guesses on how long that jump is....???
  9. dnutt


    I can't believe we're not out riding somewhere this week! Bike and suspension all freshened up and nowhere to go! Gonna be a long winter!
  10. dnutt

    Labor Day?

    Still waiting to here about Youngstown or OIR...... ??
  11. dnutt

    Youngstown MX open Wednesday 7/11

    Friday sounds good to me too :)
  12. dnutt

    Friday practice

    Breezewood proving grounds
  13. dnutt

    Youngstown MX open Saturday 5/26 & Memorial Day

    Assuming you mean sat the 26th... not Friday the 25th...?? :)
  14. dnutt

    Open practice

    What track is this?
  15. dnutt

    Headed South for some winter motos?

    Ga and Alabama 1st week of March:)
  16. dnutt

    Monster Mountain for sale

    Any new info on the new owner or plans??
  17. dnutt

    Forma predator boots.. yay or nay?

    I believe the new fox 180 boots have the stretchy rubber strap
  18. dnutt

    Need track recommendations for moto trip to Georgia.

    I'll check out highland. Unfortunately we won't be able to stop along the way as we are traveling with family so it has to be within 3 or so hrs of monticello Ga...
  19. dnutt

    Need track recommendations for moto trip to Georgia.

    Well that's disappointing..... the place didn't look like it was prepped a lot but didn't look terrible... and we were looking forward to the straight rhythm lol
  20. dnutt

    Need track recommendations for moto trip to Georgia.

    Heading to Georgia 1st week of March and going to make it a moto trip. Planning on hitting durhamtown then we'll slide over to Alabama for monster mountain and hopefully mill creek. Any other "must ride" tracks in the Ga/Al area???