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  1. Hause#0

    Yett another Bubba move

    Yeah guy! The fact that you are trying to compare yourself to James Stewart says it all about you. Maybe if he was as tough as you he could win as many races as you have.
  2. Hause#0

    Yett another Bubba move

    I will admit,I have never really been a fan of James but I think that's because I was a huge RC fan. Their battles were epic! But you can't deny the guys talent! He's done things on a bike that seemed impossible! To ride at that level is almost super-human! He has done it his entire life and...
  3. Hause#0

    2016 OMA Banquet

    Really wish the wife and I could make it too! Congratulations to everyone (Except the guys who whipped me all year!) and Have fun!
  4. Hause#0

    2016 OMA Banquet

  5. Hause#0

    Godspeed Chris Leadbeater

    So sorry for your loss. God bless
  6. Hause#0

    A hard loss for the off road motorcycle community

    My thoughts and prayers are with the Weppler family! They were always very nice to me. I remember back in 1990 I was running my first harescramble down there. I was nervous, scared and had no idea what I was doing! The only open straight on the track was the field where the scoring barrels were...
  7. Hause#0

    Ottis MX track

    Billy Walker? Holy sh#%! Man, I haven't seen you for years! Kevin, I'm looking for that video but I think all fmx pall sent me was a you tube link that isn't up and more. I will keep looking.
  8. Hause#0


    You could take pictures and have a babysitting service on the side! That would be sweet!
  9. Hause#0

    Ottis MX track

    Hey what's up Kevin! Good to see you are alive and roosting! Been a long time! If you can't get ahold of fmx Paul, email me at I have that video that Paul sent me!
  10. Hause#0


    My wife couldn't be any cooler but I don't wanna press my luck! I like the "track and Play" idea Meister! I'm sure I will try and get away with as much riding as possible this year....if I'm able! I hope everyone has SAFE and very fun year in 2016. Good luck to you all!
  11. Hause#0


    Change more diapers than I ever thought possible. Stay up all night feeding baby every two hrs. Let CR250 just sit in the garage and collect cobwebs! Get fatter than I've ever been in my life. CHECK!
  12. Hause#0

    2016 OMA Banquet

    thank you sir. I guess I will just bring back the buckets of dirt Ive been stealing from your track for years! I love it!
  13. Hause#0

    2016 OMA Banquet

    Hey Jeremy. can you help me out? Connie hasnt replied to my post and my email wont work on this phone. Im stuck at the hospital and cant send my RSVP. I would just like my stuff sent to Kames since I wont be able to make it to the banquet. I promise to bring some Turkey Monster to the cliff next...
  14. Hause#0

    2016 OMA Banquet

    Hey Connie. sorry to contact you here but my email isnt working. Ive been at the hospital for 2 weeks. My daughter was born and my wife has had sum complications. all is well now. but I wont have my RSVP sent in time. Unfortunately we wont be able to make it anyway but I would like my stuff sent...
  15. Hause#0

    New Series Name?

    "Ohio bred to rip and shred series" or "The Heart of MX series" or "The Gauntlet"
  16. Hause#0

    Brand New Bike - Kaboom

    I knew You were gonna bring that up! Lol. It was a brand new 00 kx250, bought it, raced it at Amherst and hated that thing! Luckily we worked at a dealer so I took it back and put it back on the floor as a demo and got a 2000 cr250!
  17. Hause#0

    Thankful for Veterans !

    Thank you veterans and their families! You all sacrifice so much for us! God Bless America
  18. Hause#0

    Brand New Bike - Kaboom

    Well, I guess you gotta look at the bright side Wayne... At least it's the end of the season. You have a few months of snow to get things ironed out! Good luck Bro.
  19. Hause#0

    Brand New Bike - Kaboom

    Man That Blows! Literally! The first new bike I ever bought was a 92 kx125. It blew up within 2 days. I took it back to the dealer and they tore it down and went to bat for me and contacted Kawasaki. The dealer mechanics felt it was crank main bearings failed due to the cases not lining up...
  20. Hause#0

    Beans 11/7&11/8

    Thanks BJ! Great track today! Should be really good tomorrow!