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  1. mblair

    Moto news for 2015?

    Hey Knox you get a bike yet? Come on man it will be fun!!
  2. mblair

    LL classes

    Thats what you think...going to race under my alias Kees Trunkenpoltz!!
  3. mblair

    LL classes

    I appreciate your concern Georgie but I am already married to a non-gay female nurse who takes pretty good care of me. I think I will take you advice and keep riding though. Thanks!!
  4. mblair

    LL classes

    The way I understand it if you have ever made the gate at a National or Supercross or FIM event you cannot ride 40 any longer. You can be a local A rider or even could have held a pro card and never qualified and you are still eligible for 40. Not sure how you see the podium in 40 is still...
  5. mblair

    LL classes

    Ah come on now Georgie if you can beat an old, fat, out of shape, beer drinker like myself at your age you better just stick to male nursing. :)
  6. mblair

    LL classes

    eh that should make all the whiners happy from the last few years. be interesting to see how many of the complainers try to qualify now that they get what they have been wanting.
  7. mblair

    Moto news for 2015?

    Knox you do know WHO owns Sunday Creek right? That will answer all of your questions on how that works. That track is rock hard and dangerous as well as having a s**t pit area!!
  8. mblair

    Moto news for 2015?

    I have some chaps and a cowboy hat and I can come up with a Suzuki yellow umbrella!
  9. mblair

    Ohio track

    It kind of resembles Reno Motocross park in Reno, OH but not sure.
  10. mblair

    Favorite Dirtbike you've ever owned?

    Had the 85 Knox and that thing was awesome! Remember jumping that big double in the back of COCR on those things!! It would have to be a toss up between my 85KX125 or my 89RM125. My RM that year was so good! Race Tech built the whole thing, motor and suspension, and it was just an awesome bike.
  11. mblair

    What is your most prideful moment while on a dirtbike?

    I was somewhere in the high 20's Joe. Don't remember exactly where I finished. I know in the first moto I was as high as 8th and ran in the top 15 for about 20 minutes then I hit the wall badly!! You would think that I would have learned form that and got into shape but had too much fun doing...
  12. mblair

    What is your most prideful moment while on a dirtbike?

    Yeah, riding an RM 125 that year. That was possibly my favorite bike of all time. I love that track. Haven't been back down there since I quit riding nationals but I have always wanted to go back.
  13. mblair

    What is your most prideful moment while on a dirtbike?

    1989 Axton Virginia. First pro national I ever qualified for! I remember it like it was yesterday. Learned that day what it took to ride a motorcycle for 30+2 twice. Also learned that I wasn't in near good enough shape. HAHA
  14. mblair

    Battle Series Wrap up

    ah come on blue hair and tats = NICE :p
  15. mblair

    After Battle Review

    Did you not see Kim Adams (the AMA REFEREE) act like a 10 year-old spoiled brat when I ask him a simple civil question?? I would certainly say that his actions would be described as a full scale Temper Tantrum!!! I was not on that end of the line and did not hear what was said down there but...
  16. mblair

    After Battle Review

    Yeah, but its a C class qualification and a free neck brace :) I got them both in what do I win??
  17. mblair

    After Battle Review

    "Go lay down Sissy Pants"??...HAHA, I will take that if you saw me ride over the weekend I cant argue that fact. As for a fight on the line. NO I am an adult which is MUCH more than I can say for your AMA referee! :)
  18. mblair

    After Battle Review

    Because it was quicker? Had nothing to do with it being safer?
  19. mblair

    Yellow flags? Why bother

    Glad to hear a full recovery. He was down for a good while motionless. Hate to see that kind of thing happen. Thanks for the response.
  20. mblair

    Yellow flags? Why bother

    Not a flagging issue but does anyone know how the guy that fell in 30 is? He was down for a quite a while.