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  1. mblair

    Chillitown vid through the eyes on a 50cc rider

    First time that I have gotten to watch your little guy was Sunday and he looks really good on the bike!! You see allot of little kids who can go fast and hold on but when I watched Mitch you could tell he was picking lines and had excellent bike control and style. Those are the 2 things so...
  2. mblair

    Chili town review????

    Yeah that was the place...I always liked that track. I was thinking it was your grandparents but wasn't sure. I will make sure I am prepared for BC!! Get there early on Sat and I will bring some gear and you can take the 450 out for a sessions. Get that feeling going again!
  3. mblair

    Chili town review????

    What ever happen to the land at Hidden Hills? (or something like that) Wasn't that someone you were related too or am I getting old and forgetting sh*t? That place was FUN!!!
  4. mblair

    Chili town review????

    I have to agree with you Ruper...I didn't get home til 10 and didn't enjoy the long program but I liked the track, the competition, and the effort put into the event! Can it be improved? Heck yeah! Could it have been allot worse? OH HELL YES!! There were over 400 riders at a local race and...
  5. mblair

    Chili town review????

    Good weekend of riding and racing. Got to see some faces I haven't seen in a LONG time and had some beers with the fellas and rode my dirt bike against more than 5 riders. Still WAY out of shape but had a good time and the track was good. Although practice Sun morning SUCKED the track turned...
  6. mblair

    Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

    yeah well if they prep before our moto this time I will be back at the trailer with a cold beer waiting for you :)
  7. mblair

    Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

    Sorry Heavy "C" no PBR but I will have plenty of Bud Light for ya!!!
  8. mblair

    Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

    you known I am only good for a lap or so!! if it makes you feel better my bike still has Malvern dirt on it and hasn't been started yet :)
  9. mblair

    Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

    Trust me, its big boy tested and big boy approved!!!
  10. mblair

    Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

    Chris Knox in nut huggin booty shorts? Ummm maybe I won't be going to Chillitown after all. :) You better show up this time Knox!! Come up on Sat and I will bring some gear and you can take my 450 out for practice. Get that itch again!!!
  11. mblair

    Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

    Easy solution to that is if they don't follow the rules DQ them and send them packing!! Great minds think alike Knox!!
  12. mblair

    Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

    Inverted gate picks. If you win the moto you get last gate pick not first. :) Everyone goes to the gate from last to first.
  13. mblair

    Battle 3 Moto Format at BC?

    2 days with 3 motos! I like that idea. realy gives it that big race format.
  14. mblair

    TOP TEN OHIO Fast Dudes ?

    If we are going to talk all time you have to throw Buehler, Eickel, and Steel in there. They have all done there fair share of SX and National work!!
  15. mblair

    Moto Revolution Rnd 1 Mx 213

    Looking forward to it!! Hopefully it will warm up by then and if not then looks like riding in coats for this guy!!! Jeremy i know that they have camping there at the track on Sat night but did i hear it correctly its $25.00 for primitive camping?
  16. mblair

    The good ole' days

    Thats awesome Joe. Brings back some great memories. Saw myself, Chuck Reed, Buehl, Eickel...those were some good races back in the day. thanks!!
  17. mblair

    The good ole' days

    Knox that would be a blast at Indy but i cant make it this year unfortunately. But we aren't that far away from each other and i am sure we can make the drinking happen!! thats one thing i have improved at with age!! I will have to see if i can dig up that jacket from the basement and get a...
  18. mblair

    The good ole' days

    Nitro we had to have raced together quite a bit way back in the day then. Heck James Large was the best man when i got married the first time. We used to run together quite a bit both on and off the track. Heck of a good dude!!
  19. mblair

    The good ole' days

    thats awesome!! i still have the D11 winners jacked in the closet form 250A that year...HAHA had allot of fun racing with all my friends back then and we always got some great A class turnout then. I can remember going to COCR and having over 20 riders in both A classes. I have been trying to...
  20. mblair

    Need sponsorships for Thomas Tyler #311 2013 Season

    Didnt say Shane had never been to LL, was pointing to the FACT that his results at LL this year is what got him the ride that he has now. This is according to the "experts" (if there are any) on the web as i don't know the kid at all. But i am a fan simply because he did come from "kinda" no...