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  1. S

    Trump daddy

    That cackling you hear in the background, sort of a soft buzzing that is right at the edge of your consciousness? That's me.
  2. S

    mayor Jackson

    Seems like saying hello to them is in order. Coopt any nefarious plans the kid has and maybe help the mayor do so also.
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    Talked to George last weekend to get tappet adjustment advice. He raced the AHRMA MX at Reddick a few weeks ago on his AJS. Said it was fun but he wasn't really ready and in shape after all the chemo. Dude is an animal.
  4. S

    Trump daddy

    In front of the last rope/barrier you aren't allowed across at the convention. Open carrying. Making noise.
  5. S

    Vital MX

    Yea but what if you're gluten intolerant?
  6. S

    What lurks in the Vet section ?

    Who knows what lurks in the hearts of Vet? The Shadow do.
  7. S

    Trump daddy

    You'll get to vote, in November. But parties decide on who you'll get to vote for and they get to do it any way they want. Until the debacle of Chicago cops beating up protesters at the '68 democratic convention, there was no such thing as a primary.
  8. S

    ? On 2013 YZ250 2 stroke

    That's odd. Unless they were rusty before they ever got assembled.
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    ? On 2013 YZ250 2 stroke

    That's rust on the inner race, not the balls or any wear point. Is that the ignition side? You got a main seal leak?
  10. S

    Bubba 2016 SX season

    Notably, in spite of not riding pretty much all SX season, he got as much time during that segment, and better time since Malcolm ragged on him, as anybody. THAT is what Suzuki is really paying for.
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    Trump daddy

    That sounds mighty american of you. Upholding the constitution and all that.
  12. S

    Trump daddy

    It's a different issue. Job creation was 219,000 in Feb 2016, last number I can find. That is not bad. And it's been net positive since 2010 after taking a huge dump at the end of Bush's term and the first year of BHO's. The unemployment number, as the articles you point to say, is affected...
  13. S

    Trump daddy

    I went and read that. It doesn't support your argument. It supports a different argument you may have misconstrued - that the labor participation rate is going down and has been for men since 1948 (according to the article) and overall since 2000.
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    Trump daddy

    Incredible how wrong you can be. Please be more careful. Last month (March 2016) 213,000 new jobs according to that bastion of left wing craziness the Washington Post
  15. S

    Trump daddy

    I agree and I am totally in love with Nina Totenberg. Where else can you get Supremo coverage like hers?
  16. S

    Trump daddy

    Whoever is telling you that is misinformed. Job growth has been around 2% a year last couple of years. Unemployment continues to fall, it's around 5% as of today. If you want to talk about how wages aren't working out for some...
  17. S

    Trump daddy

    Look up Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act and study it's effect on the economy. Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it.
  18. S

    Trump daddy

    So AHRMA361, when does your campaign start? Need a flunkie?
  19. S

    Trump daddy

    "Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him" - Ted Cruz. Man, who needs comedy central?
  20. S

    Trump daddy

    I voted for every one of those freedom caucus buggers and they all LOST! Damn shame.