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  1. F

    CRA one day Pass

    Just what does that membership buy you? If it is to cover the cost of the official or for someone to track your points? If you are unsure whether or not you will race there again then why not sell a one day pass. Perhaps they will enjoy themselves and decide to purchase a yearly membership in...
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    Battle For Ohio 2012

    Did not read this entire thread. Is there camping Fri. Night?
  3. F

    New Gear?

    Chris was sponsered by Fox several years back and we liked their stuff. The following year they cut out all amatuer sponsership so we bought some Fox gear. The rearend of all those sets ripped out at the stitching.We purchased new pants to match the Jerseys as they were lettered (one size larger...
  4. F

    Pro wheel rims good or bad?

    It's not just Walmart it is everywhere!
  5. F

    Battle For Ohio 2012

    He's like a kid in a candy shop! And you guys make fun of us ladies when we go shopping.
  6. F

    Adam Cianciarulo

    So glad you liked it. Someone better on the computer should send a picture to Mitch with an explanation.
  7. F

    Pro wheel rims good or bad?

    The funny thing as I remember they weren't all that much cheaper. Chinese metals are like everything manufactured in China. It just amazes me that we allow so much of that in the country. Sad that just about everything you puchase anymore says Made in China. It is difficult to get away from it...
  8. F

    Pro wheel rims good or bad?

    Just be careful they are not made in China. No Joke. We bought wheels, can't remember the exact brand, without realizing they were made in China. The rear one exploded when Chris was trying to qualify at Red Bud. The front expoded at Red Bud also but it was when he came up short on Lorroco's...
  9. F

    Adam Cianciarulo

    I can not believe you have never heard the term-- it refers to small but mighty!! As a child we had one mean rooster. Took two of us to get the eggs as one had to distract the rooster so we could get in the hen house to retrieve the eggs. The rooster took it upon himself to attack my little...
  10. F

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    Wow, this takes forever to read. I don't know how it ended up picking on Briarcliff. It's a business and he has every right to run it how he sees fit. With any business you have to put money back into it and it seems that is what he has been doing. As I said in an earlier post I would like to...
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    Adam Cianciarulo

    True. But he is like a little banty rooster! Tough and wiry. I have never seen AC so can't compare.
  12. F

    LL Live Results and Timing

    Chris was certainly not ready for this. Get on him Meister!!! Ricky is still a little chub butt but he rode well. I think we all would have been just a little disapointed had he not!!
  13. F

    Where are the Ohio riders at Loretta's?

    I miss the days of going to Spring Valley, OIR, Western Reserve ect. ect. That is why we were so upset when OIR began it's problems. Our tracks here locally are not what they should be. Everyone complains when things get a little rough. Starts are bad too. Locally you are on the line with a...
  14. F

    Red Bud vet fest

    Chris is not a vet but we went there a few years ago as they had an A class I believe. Had a great time. When is it? Gosh, we had a great time until the following day. Stayed for practice. Chris did his knee in on Larroco"s Leap. Bike went into neutral on the face and that's all she...
  15. F

    Prayers needed for Clint Zentner

    Our prayers and thoughts will be with Clint and family. They are part of our family of local racers. Please keep us posted with updates.