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  1. F

    After Battle Review

    From what I read most of the complaints stem from pit riding and loud generators both of which can be controlled by the adults and need not be a problem for the promoters. Grow up, act responsible, think about others and all will be good! All three tracks did a great job and I am sad that we had...
  2. F

    Battle Series Wrap up

    Same here....except at Loretta's!!
  3. F

    Battle Series Wrap up

    I am 63 and I walk!!!! The only track I enjoyed our mule was at Loretta's. Larry used to get special permission to ride our quad at National's but it was because he needed a hip replacement. Get the darn kid's off the pit vehicles..they should only be used by the elderly who either have issues...
  4. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    Then add religion and you have the perfect mix for a perfect storm. But for the life of me I can not understand a religion that would call for the brutal murders and the raping of women.
  5. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    You are right..very interesting article. Seems to me we should have kept our noses out of it altogether. It appears we just make things worse. But now the million dollar question is what should be done to correct this error.
  6. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    Funny you would bring that up. From what little I have read the Amish are somewhat the same way.
  7. F

    (ISIS) and US...

    I can't stand it any longer..not a school teacher but "witch" is is "which". Don't be mad but I see in various posts you spell the word incorrectly....just love our English language which is one of the hardest languages to learn! What is happening in Iraq is sort of our problem. By...
  8. F

    Pitracer Dunk Tank

    I would volunteer but I doubt anyone would find it exciting to dunk a 63 yr. old grandmother.
  9. F

    And.....that's a wrap!!

    P.S. You did a great job and I love that you truly listen to all the chatter and try to make things right for all. You and your wife are good people. She always has a smile ready. All the "tower girls" are great and don't always get complimented on hard they work and what a good job they do...
  10. F

    And.....that's a wrap!!

    I had an Italian girlfriend who told me this is TRUE Italian pizza..fried bread with sweetness added on top. Forgot to say "hey" to the Gallo's.
  11. F

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    Agreed! These are special events so plan so you can attend practice. Practice in the morning is seldom what it becomes throughout the day.
  12. F

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    Sorry I totally forgot this series is now an AMA Pro Am event. Enough said.
  13. F

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    On a normal race day it does not seem to be such a problem for Malvern and you do such a good job of caring for the track to make it the best it can be for both. That being said I think many would agree with what Dave posted and it is very difficult to combine the two when the attendance has...
  14. F

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    Thank you I will look that up. I am still confused, as always, $4000 so payout was a $1,000 per moto? A thousand to whom the winner or overall? Don't misunderstand me I am not upset over what Chris was paid. We would race regardless just because of the experience. I just want to understand and...
  15. F

    So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

    Malvern amazed me..such a good turn out. So much to read here...I can only agree that it is unfortunate that the quads and bikes don't mix well but it is a fact that it creates a huge problem as far as track condition. One of our dearest friends was a quad rider..Laz Sommers of GT Thunder. So...
  16. F

    Steel City Gone?

    What we need is moderates or Independents. There has to be neutral ground. Right wing is TOO fanatic and Left wing is TOO fanatic. Granted we have to protect our water, our land. As it is much of our water is still being polluted. Look what happened just recently. Did you know that drinking...
  17. F

    Steel City Gone?

    Sure it does not have something to do with the fracking in the area. That is far more lucrative than running an mx track. It was a rumor we heard several months ago.
  18. F

    3.5 Billion for immigration?

    I can almost agree to legalize mj. The problem I see with it is how do you tell if they are under the influence while driving ect? The bigger problem as I understand it is the hard drugs like cocaine and the U.S. purchases more of those drugs than any other country. That is what keeps these guys...
  19. F

    3.5 Billion for immigration?

    I am surprised that you are continuing on with this thread. You never hear much about the Northern border but perhaps because Canada itself does a better job than Mexico. The ones coming over on boats and planes are certainly more sophisticated. Many come over on a visa to go to school ect. and...
  20. F

    3.5 Billion for immigration?

    I'm sorry but I did not mention your name or implicate you in any way when I spoke about all the tough talk but this was stated at one point by another member which set the tone. "As for immigration. Put the US Army on the southern border. The first dozen illegals coming across the border, shot...