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  1. mshafer62

    BC to add Warning Lights

    If one is making wishes, how about adding both BC and CTMX to the Vet Fest series?
  2. mshafer62

    BC to add Warning Lights

    From BC's FB page: In a joint effort to promote ridership safety, we teamed up with the Heath Eagles and 88 Live to Ride to purchase 5 advanced warning lights from Caution Z. These will be used to enhance a yellow flag situation on 5 jumps where we’ve had many complaints on flagger visibility...
  3. mshafer62

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Supercoop yesterday sucked out every shred of confidence I had and BC filled it back up today! SC opens at 10am. My buddy told me to be there before then to do laps on a fresh track. Next time It's deep sand. TwistedMX just down the road has a clay base with sand, somewhat like Red Bud. Let me...
  4. mshafer62

    Redbud vet fest

    Keep watching their website As it's about a month out, they should be posting event details soon
  5. mshafer62

    Pro motocross

    Ohio guys pre-entered for Spring Creek 250's Hayden Hoover is trying again RJ Schroyer Steven Keil 450's Mitchy Z Ryan Diezic Good luck to all!
  6. mshafer62

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Supercoop tomorrow and BC Sunday
  7. mshafer62

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    Tale of 2 rides ( a somewhat short story) July 4th, decided to visit a track about 30 mins basically E of Newark. In a video, showing the soil, the owner states how the prior evening's rains "greatly helped them" So I'm thinking, as this facility is normally under-watered, maybe it will be...
  8. mshafer62

    Pro motocross

    Riders from Ohio on the Pre-entry lists... 250 RJ Schroyer Toledo Steven Kell Delta (Hayden Hoover is taking the weekend off) 450 Regulars AP7 Hamilton J Hand Mantua C Clason Medina Young Bucks Jack Winland Zanesville Mitchy Zeremba Avon Jacob Beverage N Ridgeville Zach Peters Loudonville...
  9. mshafer62


    Welcome Andrew and thanks for introducing yourself. Central Ohio here, if you ever make it to Briarcliff look for me (#62, 450 Yamaha)
  10. mshafer62

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    BC was on point...track changes by the pond flowed much better than the previous changes. Little dusty at times but JO put down some water 2 or 3x. Good sized turnout - Constant stream of riders in both A/B and C groups Saw quite a few PR regulars...MX955, A Toth, Jon16, Lotts +++
  11. mshafer62

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    BC tomorrow!
  12. mshafer62

    Pro motocross

    Looking at the pre-entries for Southwick there are only 2 riders from Ohio Sending positive vibes to both for good races! 450 - Jeremy Hand 250 - Kyle Czworkowski
  13. mshafer62

    W.T.M. - Weekly updates

    For me...BC Open Practice this Sat and Sun
  14. mshafer62

    Redbud vet fest

    They have classes for anyone from 18+ to 70+ and all skill levels. (Sorry @John250, there isn't a KeyBoard Warrior class :) ) Friday practice (starts about noon) and Saturday race Last year Gavin Mays and Jack Winland came @Mcaupp22 get a group together and make the trip!
  15. mshafer62

    COCR Hosts OMA MX Event June 22nd-23rd

    The heat yesterday and then the rain today, not much you can do about the weather. I wish the club would hold a couple of open practices, not associated with race weekends. It's just such a fun track!
  16. mshafer62

    Redbud vet fest

    They are included in your sign-up fee
  17. mshafer62

    What's the move 6-22/6-23

    The Unadilla race totally slipped past me. Getting to ride the national track has always been on my bucket list. Next year...
  18. mshafer62

    What's the move 6-22/6-23

    Totally agree with the lack of communication on here... Seems as though discussions went too far to one side and now we're at the other end COCR's OMA practice and race for me
  19. mshafer62

    Pro motocross

    What great races! That track was manly! So great to see Nicoletti back on the bike and pull 2 holeshot Sure seems like Jett is out there playing with the other racers Masterpool...after all that family has been through, what can you say plus Mitch Payton's 300th win. Mark Fineis, never heard...
  20. mshafer62

    Pro motocross

    Sending best wishes to the riders pre-entered for High Point from Ohio! 250 class Kyle Czworkowski (Cleveland) Braden Gray (Lewisburg) Steven Kril (Delta) 450 class Jack Winland (Zanesville) Mitchy Z Ryan Diezic (Ravenna) Jacob Beverage (N Ridgeville) Zach Peters (Loudonville) Gavin Mays...