Search results

  1. Remmy11

    New People's Champions Steinke and Gragg ?

    Thought I would see if anyone else is having a blast watching these dudes shred on the 2 strokes? Gared Steinke has qualified back to back weekends on a legit 125 and at one point in that first moto at Budds Creek was running 21st! that is awesome! Also I don't know how no one is giving Cody...
  2. Remmy11

    Beer Bong Motos at High Point

    What's up everyone, I know most of you will be racing but if your having fun like our group just a invite to come find us on top of the hill at High Point this weekend and have a beer or two maybe even do a Bong Moto! Pick you brand of bike and lets see what you got!
  3. Remmy11

    Of all the people for this crazyness to happen to and it's Cade....

    I was reading about this article this morning and just couldn't even believe it. Cade has posted a response about it on his face book page... Check it out and what do yall think?? NOTICE OF OFFENSE AND PENALTY Date of Notice: May 27, 2015 Date of Offense: May 23, 2015 Event: Glen Helen...