What did ya get for Christmas!


PR Addict
I got an early present, so I'll go first. New boots, finally! No, not racing boots either. I finally got my baby seal skinned c-boy boots. Been waiting almost a year, customs, go figure. Merry Christmas to all and remember you can club more than a sandwich!
What! I am calling PETA......your killing BABY seals for a pair of boots? Thats just not right.......you probably ride dirt bikes and destroy the land also.........
So far I got an OSU Sweatshirt, a tin of pop corn, and the worst cold of my life.......and a little cash....not too shabby. Im still waiting on a dome for my track.......
The woman bought me a pistol. Hipoint 9mm. It's a good start, now if I can only get her into sigs and dirtbikes. There won't be any complaints.
Got a Golden Retreiver puppy for duck hunting next year. Also got training classes coming up next week to start him off right.

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My dad wanted to sell his old Honda jersey over the summer but I convinced him not to.. He ended up giving it to me for christmas :) I'm pretty psyched on having it.


He also had a blanket made out of some of his LL bibs and gave that to me as well. I still don't know how I feel about his bibs being cut up, but its an awesome gift.
The bib blanket is cool! I mean its not like the pawn star guy is going to lowball you for having cut bibs. :). That's sweet.

Got a puppy as well, he's a really fat labradoodle..I think he's going to be somewhere around 80 lbs. Yikes. Need to do obedient classes for sure.
Merry Xmas.
A audi A4 :) but ive known about it for a few weeks cause he was putting a new turbo and a few other things on it for me !!! And were going to go to p&p to go snow tubing cant wait!!!
Pro-Circuit Platinum pipe for the 125, new Rocky bear claw insulated boots, new knee braces, knee brace socks and some clothes. santa was good to me this year!
boss lady hooked me up with some new clothes and a gopro! guess this means some seat time is in my future. Santa brought my 2 year old a tabeo tablet from toys r us im actually posting this from it now man the technology these kids have at there disposal is amazing!
It was a moto christmas for the boys got my 13 year old son a 250f he will moving from trail bike to the C class in 2013 he is excited and will be fun to watch for sure.
New pair of shoes, new set off all white plastic, (gotta get with Jimmy at Fast Am for graphics) and a walther pk380.... beamer will have to use the gopro for adventures on that 144!!!!
The mx community seems to receive the same basic gifts; guns, gear and animals (dead and alive)! Except for J.O he got a tin of popcorn. Lol.