Beans Update


PR Elite
Staff member
I just wanted to give you guys a heads up to all the guys who are chomping at the bit for Beans to open. I spoke with BJ yesterday. He's working hard at the track getting it ready for 2013, a year which we'll see racing return to Beans. He's not going to be open every weekend. Special effort is going to be given to prep the weekends they are open. Opening weekend will in a week or two.

The tunnel jump is back with a revert back to the original track direction. A whole new rhythm section. There are a few OMA sanctioned events which encourage tracks to step up their game so get ready for a great season out there.

That's all I have for now. For more information please visit
I'll get there for the first time this year. I cannot wait actually.

BTW- You better get a new avitar or photoshop it with red to cover up the green...traitor!! ;)
I can't wait. Always loved the regular direction. Gotta be able to throw whips!
I miss the original Pipe jump. I thought it was gone forever. The weirdness that has occurred last year, made me sad. But BJ and Beans are always cool, no matter what. Searching for a 450 again.. who's got my bike?


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