Whats it worth?


PR Founding Father
A 2013 Ktm 250 sx with literally less than 1 hour on it, so like brand new. What would you pay for one? Is anyone looking for one?

Ulterior motive here. May be able to make someone a fair deal.
yeah just about. figures, i know someone that just bought a 2013 brand new, prolly woulda been allover this.

i just sold my 12 a few months ago for 5600... id say 66 ish
I got an empty pizza box, and a half gallon of 1 gallon jug of havoline oil. Oh and I will throw in a 1986 event shirt from the Ashtabula TT race.
Lol jo, you can keep the box. The rest is a deal!

A guy wants my quad and wants to trade a 13 ktm. See pics, literally spanking new. If I knew I could sell it for 6200, I'd trade tomorrow. Need opinions here.
Very tempted. Have till tomorrow to decide and let him know. So if anyone is looking for a 13 2 smoke, let me know and I can get someone a good deal! Tell all your friends! I needa pay for my wedding! lol
I am trying. I've had like 5 dudes call me and text me all interested and stuff but either dont come up with the money or blow me off the night before a scheduled appointment. Have another racer who has a completely rebuilt with top of the line stuff thats like brand new who wants my quad, so im trying to help him sell his too because when he does he intends to buy mine. It should go pretty quickly, but I dont want to give this thing away.
I would think if the bike and the KTM are close in value, that the bike would be easier to sell.
Just buy it and then sell your 09! Help me out and you`ll get a hell of a deal. You do have to let me ride it one day for like 2 laps and ill be happy! lol
Whens the wedding? My bank account is going to be angry after just buying a new-to-me vehicle 2 weeks ago. If your serious pm me. They currently sell new for $7099. Oh and I want a test ride with my buddy waiting in the car, and please don't bring any concealed weapons with you, sound good?
August 23rd (was going to be the last weekend, but thats the cliff battle! Had to change the date! lol)..

Fine. I wont CONCEAL any weapons. TWO may be OPEN carried though! lol.. Specially the new .45 1911 I just acquired!


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