PR Addict
Well tomorrow Scottie starts the next chapter in his moto career, he will be training at South Of The Boarder for the next few month as we go through the Arena Cross Series. Scottie will be racing the 2014 Amsoil Arena Cross Series as a 17 year old in hopes of finding a spot of the gate in the main with the same guys he use to walk by and watch in the pits as a 65 rider on Fri and Sat night Arena Cross races, riders like Tyler Bowers and Zach Ames to name a few. Now he has a chance to drop with these same guys 4-5 years later it is truly amazing how far he has come in the time he has been in this sport. Scottie hasn't raced much the past 2 years due to work, school and other kids stuff but now he is ready to chase his dreams of becoming a Pro Motocross racer. There are a lot of people that has helped Scottie along the way and we will never forget what they have done as they where not just sponsors but Scotties friends and fans. There is 1 person that has allways went above and beyond to help Scottie and that person is Eric Fragale from K100 Fuel Treatment with out his help in the past Scottie wouldn't be where he is today, Scottie and Eric have built a strong relationship along the way that will last a life time so a special thanks goes out to him. So far for 2014 sponsorship we would like to welcome aboard SRS Suspension , Honda East Of Toledo, SFR Racing, Corey Valley Photography and Scott's Lawncare without the help of these great sponsors again it would not be possible.