The first NDAA to actually codify indefinite detention was the 2012 version (where was
the wailing and gnashing of teeth then?) but it made legal what had been
happening since 2002. The Supreme Court even said it was constitutional (Hamdi
v Rumsfeld) to detain american citizens as long as they were given due process.
Are you kidding me???? I thought you were an educated american citizen!!
You are correct in your statement that the 12 version made what we had been doing since '02 for the war on terror and for decades before with people the government decided were a threat to the USA. BUT....and a very very big BUT ....the thing ALL of those detainees had in common you ask??? They were NOT citizens of the USA!!!!
The 13 version specifically states that US citizens are also allowed to be detained indefinitely without due process if they are considered a threat. There is no definition of threat in the law. What does that tell you? The Gov is now allowed to do what our founding fathers ran from, one of the main reasons they fought for our freedom from England for. The Gov is now allowed to do what other communist countries that we go to war with ( Iraq, Iran, Afganistan) do to their citizens they consider a threat. They simply disappear without a trace. Notice how Obama is already calling those who oppose his views as radicals trying to bring this country down. Those people might disappear in the wrong political climate in the future now and it will be legal.
the gov is laying the ground work to be in total control of this country.
-Healthcare.....They want total control of that. Once they do they control us. Think about it carefully.
-Gun control.... Remove the peoples right to defend themselves from others AND the gov
-Basic needs....Slowly but surely they are giving people everything they need without having to work for it. Who is going to vote against that? Food, healthcare, education, housing, cell phones, utilities
People are being herded like cattle......