I have been using firearms since being taught how to safely use them at the age of 7 ( I'll be 55 next month ) . I'm as big a supporter of gun rights and hunting as the next guy . IN MY OPINION Ted Nugent has been a bigger detriment than an asset to this cause . His mouth spews out crap like a goose's a$$ . His arrogant , radical , Charles Mansonish style grates on my nerves and surely must turn off people who may be torn by this issue . The media loves to use him and the circus-like atmosphere that surrounds him as an example of what wacked out , nutcases surely all gun owners must be . Yes , he uses facts to battle wrong headed sentiment and tries to plead our case with his high profile notoriety but I believe he does more harm than good . Actually a lot of his beliefs on drugs , gun control , immigration , etc. are similar to mine . It is just the " style " of this self appointed spokesman/prophet of gun rights and hunting that rubs me the wrong way . He is NOT my effing uncle . I believe the late Charlton Heston and now people like Tom Selleck , Joe Mantegna and Miss Mandrell are the type of spokespersons we need to champion our gun and shooting sports' rights and heritage . Again , this is just my opinion .