PR has been upgraded to Xenforo 4.1. There are a couple new features you might be interested in.
1. Easier reply w/ quote. You no longer have to reply with the entire quote or manually edit the quote. Just highlight the part you want to quote and hit reply as seen here:
2. Account Upgrades. We kicked off the new account upgrades feature with a "no banner ads" upgrade. We'll think of more down the road but if you're ready to argue about flaggers for hours on end without all those annoying banner ads click here:
1. Easier reply w/ quote. You no longer have to reply with the entire quote or manually edit the quote. Just highlight the part you want to quote and hit reply as seen here:
2. Account Upgrades. We kicked off the new account upgrades feature with a "no banner ads" upgrade. We'll think of more down the road but if you're ready to argue about flaggers for hours on end without all those annoying banner ads click here: