This drives me crazy too and it is an epidemic. Don't get me started - too late - I am started.
We are conditioning, growing, rewarding a culture of whiners, complainers, takers, and closed minded people. The same folks that claim/demand tolerance have the least.
People simply complain because they can, to get 15 seconds of attention, or often to inflict their intolerant political philosophies that rob us of our perception of freedom.
I say perception because our freedoms are being stolen from us so fast and from so many different directions that it is shocking.
It used to be that a when a complaint was stupid we chalked the complainers up to being idiots - example is the stupidity of complaining about noise coming from a huge public stadium in the middle of an urban setting for a few hours a year. Now an idiot complains, it grabs the news/internet/governments attention and somehow becomes instantly credible and in need of reporting, regulation, legislation, or public ridicule.
Maybe that is why I like this site - we complain a lot, are petty, and closed minded - but at least our complaints are the right ones
. Enough from me - back to wrenching on my toxic, noisy, and environmentally destructive 2 stroke.
Now why was that damn whoops section too short in San Diego.