PR Elite
My 6 year old grandson, a Kindergartener, has been hauled to the principals office, twice now, for getting caught kissing with a girl. (the same girl ).
The office spoke with my daughter about possible counseling for him.
I have always thought highly of our local school (Heath) and all of our kids went and graduated from there. As parents we had great relations with all of their teachers, other school staff and the bus drivers. But, I believe this is a bit extreme.
Hell I'm happy about it...... He was kissing a cute little girl. Not another boy!!!!!!! And it isn't as though they caught him with porn, drugs, or a gun for heavens sake. Yet what is the end effect for making him feel like a disbehaving elementary criminal?
Maybe he is being too DESCRIMINATING in who he kiss's ?
The office spoke with my daughter about possible counseling for him.
I have always thought highly of our local school (Heath) and all of our kids went and graduated from there. As parents we had great relations with all of their teachers, other school staff and the bus drivers. But, I believe this is a bit extreme.
Hell I'm happy about it...... He was kissing a cute little girl. Not another boy!!!!!!! And it isn't as though they caught him with porn, drugs, or a gun for heavens sake. Yet what is the end effect for making him feel like a disbehaving elementary criminal?
Maybe he is being too DESCRIMINATING in who he kiss's ?