Trump daddy


PR Founding Father
how long before the clintons assassinate him?

You wonder if all that stuff he said today he would act on.....

Super pacs will have their hands full trying to outspend this tycoon.

What the laws on spending for a campaign? I expect OBAMA might be throwing down an executive order for campaign spending. Lol.
He'll be largely ignored and avoided.
But I do like his boldness and frank comments on the issues, we could use more of that. He doesn't get hung on being politically ass-kissing-passive-diversity-sensitivity correct.

Unfortunately, a President has to work through Congress to get legislative Bills passed, and he would get no cooperation from either party. Lame Duck from day 1.

I am very anxious to hear his surefire fix on foreign affairs like the issues in the middle-east. As Sturd commented, should be quite entertaining.
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One thing about Trump, is he is not afraid to say it, and not worry about a poll number. Therefore, I actually think he could help the republican party in the primaries and general election by joining the race. Last time Romney started out hard against Obama, went soft in the 2nd debate, and we all know what the outcome was.

It is my thought that by Trump being in attack mode all the time, he will force the republican candidates to take on some positions on subjects that they may have tip toed around with the soft PC answer that is safe. Trump will force them to take hard positions, and therefore whom ever comes out on the other side, will already be prepared for Hillary, and their positions on her and the democrats out there via Trump.

Ross Perot was a great candidate. But he helped get democrats elected twice. While Trump is a Ross Perot type candidate, I personally believe in this case, he can help make our candidate in the general election a stronger candidate via Trump being in the republican primaries. He is polarizing for sure. But this is a TV nation. Hell people cant name their mayors, governors, reps, senators or even the vice president. But I guarantee, most know who Donald Trump is! Don't discount the stupid American voters and who could be elected.
One thing about Trump, is he is not afraid to say it, and not worry about a poll number. Therefore, I actually think he could help the republican party in the primaries and general election by joining the race. Last time Romney started out hard against Obama, went soft in the 2nd debate, and we all know what the outcome was.

" But this is a TV nation. "

Really good point. It is sometimes unfortunate that we are so much of a TV and media fed nation because they'll take the slightest miss-step in a debate and clobber a candidate over the head endlessly with it... over something small, insignificant or stupid. And they'll get as much milleage and spin out of the video goof-clip as the public can stand.

I remember the Romney issue, and the softness in the second debate was due to errors in his first round. It was stupid really.
It's not about the public thinking for themselves, but more on making the public think how they want them to think. Brainwashing in the subtleist form.
I like the thought of having someone in the mix to push the right candidate along, I just wish it wasn't Trump. I have no respect whatsoever for a so called self made person that did it by shielding himself from having to take responsibility for messes he created. Trump Enterprises has filed bankruptcy I believe 4 times, why is he still a billionaire-or is he? We all know he likes to lie.

I spent the first 12 years of my career out of college busting my butt for a company 70-80 hours per week, moved 4 times, etc. It was in the trucking industry, which I still am, but in 1999 the owner of the company did the same thing and left 2500 out of work in a day. I was running a terminal in Cleveland and I had to stand in the office telling drivers, employees, janitors, etc we were done and I wasn't sure if we would be paid the next day, we weren't. The owner of that company was the majority owner of the Colorado Rockies with more then enough money to fix the company personally. He filed bankruptcy in Phoenix, went to a baseball game, and then flew home to his mansion in Colorado on his Citation jet. I was 33 at the time, kids age 2 and 4, wife stayed home so I had no $$. I think I got a total of $300 of $7500 I was owed and I ate like 4 weeks of vacation.

Trump may be a good talker but anyone that has ever taken the easy way out like that scumbag has can kiss my A$#. I get pissed every time I see him and I flat out can't stand the guy. There has to be a better choice for this purpose.
Here's a really good Trump article. Loved It!


Donald Trump for president? The 2016 race just got fun
By Wayne Allyn Root
Published June 16, 2015

I know. I know. “Trump is flawed” the critics say. “He is a clown.” “He is a buffoon.” “He’s divorced…twice.” “He has business bankruptcies.” Yes, all true. And Reagan was a failed B-movie actor who played second fiddle to a chimp. Heck, Reagan had a failed Vegas lounge act that closed in a week. Reagan was rejected by United Artists executives to PLAY the part of a president. Two years later he was governor of California. Then he went onto become the man polls show is regarded as our greatest modern president. Could Donald Trump be “Reagan, Part Deux?”
Yes, Donald Trump is flawed. But ironically he may be the perfect candidate at the perfect time. Why? Because he says whatever is on his mind.He has no filters. He doesn’t care about political correctness. He doesn’t answer to anyone. Not donors, not handlers, not consultants, not pollsters and God bless him, not the media. Donald Trump is his own man. Trump says whatever he wants because he is worth $9 billion dollars.

“The Donald” doesn’t need any donations. He doesn’t need the support of fat cat donors or multi-national corporations like the other GOP candidates.
He doesn’t need scandalous donations (aka bribes) from foreign governments like Hillary Clinton. Hillary is greedy. We know she thinks of herself as "broke." Her hubby Bill says he’s still worried about "paying the bills.”
Yes, Donald Trump is flawed. But ironically he may be the perfect candidate at the perfect time. Why? Because he says whatever is on his mind.
Desperate people do desperate things.
But Donald Trump has $9 billion dollars. He never has to do desperate things. He has 9 billion reasons to say whatever he wants -- and let the chips fall where they may.
Donald Trump is free to become “Bullworth.” Remember that 1998 movie starring Warren Beatty as U.S. Senator Bullworth? He didn’t give a damn what people thought anymore, so he said whatever he wanted.
He told the truth and let the chips fall where they may. Bullworth stood at the pulpit of a black church and told black voters that the Democratic Party and their politicians claim to want to help you, make all kinds of promises, but they are all lying to get your vote. Then after the election they’re nowhere to be found. They never keep those promises. Why? “Because you don’t donate enough money,” Bullworth admitted. “What’s the proof?” Bullworth asked. “Half your kids are unemployed, the other half are in prison.” The truth hasn't changed since 1998.
Bullworth dared to tell the truth. And the people loved it! Not only was Bullworth re-elected, he became an instant media sensation and the shocking favorite of voters for president. Honesty is that refreshing. Can real-life imitate art? We are about to find out.
Donald Trump is the real-life Bullworth. When voters listen to the raw truth of Trump next to the “mainstream, establishment candidates” who tell lie after lie to get elected, Donald will shine by comparison. Suddenly it will all become clear -- the lies and B.S. aren’t working. The other candidates are scamming you, bribing you, placating you. It’s time for someone willing to tell it like it is. It’s time for a real-life Bullworth.
Maybe, just maybe, Trump will admit out loud the damage President Obama has done to our economy with his socialist policies. It's time for a politician to ask what socialism did for Greece, or Spain, or Italy, or France, or miserable Cuba? Or Venezuela with food and toilet paper shortages. And what has over 50 straight years of Democrat leadership done for bankrupt, crime-ridden hellholes like Detroit, Chicago or Baltimore? I'm betting Trump is the guy willing to tell the truth.
Maybe he’ll admit there is no economic recovery. It’s all a lie. A mirage. The numbers are gamed. It’s all created with fake money printing by the Fed; artificially low interest rates; and half the country being propped up by government checks.
Maybe he’ll admit that the border is wide open and the illegals flowing across will destroy middle class jobs and drown our nation under a tsunami of welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and the costs for cops, courts and prison. Maybe Trump will tell you that anyone who says illegal immigration is good for the economy is a liar.
Maybe he'll admit that our open border will soon lead to a terrible terrorist attack. Maybne he'll ask out loud "What kind of president would purposely leave the border open?"
Maybe he’ll admit the taxes aren’t “historically low” as Obama claims. The taxes are in fact “too damn high.” High taxes are killing entrepreneurship and jobs. If billion dollar corporations are so damaged by the 35% corporate tax rate they are forced to escape America with “inversions,” then why isn’t any politician admitting the 43.8% top individual tax rate is damaging taxpayers and killing even more jobs? Maybe the average taxpayer needs an inversion too! I’m betting Trump is the guy to say it.
Maybe he’ll admit public schools are failing and dumbing-down our children. Your kids are not learning. They are not prepared to compete in the global marketplace. And the problem isn’t money. We already spend too much on education. The problem is teachers unions and bad teachers who can’t be fired.
Maybe he’ll admit we have too many government employees and they are paid way too much. Their obscene pensions are bankrupting cities, counties, states and our entire federal government. Those pensions can never be paid in full. Someone needs to admit that. I’m betting Trump will be that guy.
Maybe he’ll admit there are no quality jobs because of thousands of pages of new regulations…and Obamacare’s 2.1 million words of regulations…and insane EPA mandates…and thousands of more “climate change” regulations coming down the pike.
Trump has already bravely pointed out that black unemployment is twice as high as white unemployment, thereby proving Obama has been a terrible president for the same black Americans he claims to support.
Maybe Trump will point out we have absolutely no plan to stop ISIS and that they are winning.
Maybe Trump will point out that Obama’s policies are bad for Israel and Jewish voters are crazy to support Obama.
Maybe, just maybe America is ready to hear the truth. And Donald Trump is just the man to tell it like it is.
Will Trump win the presidency? The jury is still out. But he will be a breath of fresh air. He will wake the voters up. A real-life Bullworth has arrived. Donald Trump will certainly make the 2016 race for president fun. I can’t wait.
Someone needs to step up and save this country. Maybe he is the man to turn things around..
The population needs rules, jobs, values, a purpose. Besides stealing Georgie's dirt bikes an riding wheelies.
If welfare was cut I wonder if those idiots would be passing bad checks to grocery stores and restaurants because they're hungry.
News media saying Trump is getting a surge in the polls.
Good to see he's not caving in or backtracking from his remarks.
Wow, what impecable timing!
Did Trump just get validated against his critics?

Man arrested in connection with San Francisco killing had been deported several times, officials say

The man arrested in connection with the seemingly random killing of a woman who was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront is an illegal immigrant who previously had been deported five times, federal immigration officials say.
Further, Immigration and Customs Enforcement says San Francisco had him in their custody earlier this year but failed to notify ICE when he was released.
He'll keep ticking everybody off until there's nobody left to support him except middle class caucasion heterosexual singles and married couples, from young to old, and they will be such a minority that there won't be enough votes to get the electoral college votes.
He'll keep ticking everybody off until there's nobody left to support him except middle class caucasion heterosexual singles and married couples, from young to old, and they will be such a minority that there won't be enough votes to get the electoral college votes.
there is the problem, the working taxpayer is the minority.

It is like children being in charge of the family money, and car keys.
Trump should step up and promise double everything for free, get elected and then change his mind.
There was a great article that was a letter from an ER doctor talking about what was wrong with the US system. Wished I had saved it, and cant find it. He talked about a lady coming into the ER, her chart was marked Medicaid. But yet she had an I Phone, designer purse, very nice clothes. He pointed out that people in the US just spend money on priories, and that most Americans priorities are not on the necessary things like health insurance. It was a great letter. Georgie would have loved it.
2 cars, everyone has a phone, cable, technology is not cheap and it is addicting.

Dinning out is also $$$$$. We could live so much cheaper and healthier.