Who is voting in the primary?

Double D

PR Founding Father
I heard if you are a registered Democrat that you can not vote for a Republican tomorrow.

I said, "WHAT?" I have no idea what I registered as when I was 17.5 years old.

So I called the Secretary of State. I am not registered for any party. (unless beer is involved)
You only get put in a party if you vote in a primary election. Since I have never voted in a primary, I have not yet been affiliated with any party.

Just an FYI. The guy that told me this, was using it as an excuse not to go vote.

I thought it was cool that the S.o.S. answered the phone!
You should be allowed to declare your party when you vote tomorrow. They will ask you if you want a republican or Democrat ballot. Get out and vote Trump 2016.
So, if you win the primary in your state, you vet the delegate vote? And that is based on what? But it does not matter how many votes you get, it does not mean you will get the nomination, right. Just learning this crap.
Can the party pick whoever they want?
Pitracer can choose whoever we want to run uner the pitracer party. It is not a legal thing or is it?
I wasn't offered a Pitracer Party ballot. Does that mean Vet261 and Day181 are on the ticket unopposed?
They need 1237 delegates. Rubio and Kaisch, the establishment are hoping by keeping two losers in to take just a few delegates that is goes to the convention to be brokered. Then the establishment, even if Trump or Cruz has the most votes from the voters, they put in who they want.

You want to see a mass uproar that will tear apart the republican party? Watch the establishment do this, and Americans will want to have a civil war.
Good questions.
Nancy and I have been active voters for probably the last 15 years. We are registered Republican, but have cross voted numerous times.

On the link that Freeh posted, they discuss crossover voting, which is what I commented about doing in the Trump Daddy thread: Crossing over: The crossing-over issue is significant because both parties seem anxious to help the opposition pick its presidential standard-bearer.

I intended to crossover vote to aid Sanders in defeating the Hillary, but watching how the Lords of the Republican party have been going to extreme measures to defeat one of their own, in their own primary, has me worried a bit. As usual the Republican party is famous for stepping all over it's own Penis.

I haven't seen any Ted Cruz TV campaign ads running, only Kasich's. Has anybody else noticed that?
I have seen some. Mostly hillary and bernie huging and hanging on any minority or 18 year old kid they can find. What a team they will make.
So are we trying to block hillary or make sure trump gets the nomination. That is what everyone is talking about.
You fill in RDI bubble next to your signature.

I woulda voted for Bernie today to stop Hillary . But all the s**t going on in the Republican Party had to vote on the R bubble. Locked in Ted Cruz. Left the rest blank. Matt lynch and Dave Joyce....not sure about them.
Then the establishment, even if Trump or Cruz has the most votes from the voters, they put in who they want.

Numerous times over the years I've read, and tried to have a fair understanding of Electoral College. I found it most helpful to use the "Electoral College for Dummies", or the historical teachings that's used in elementary and High School.
In general it makes very good sense and should serve the United States well. "BUT" this bullsh*t of creating and using "SUPER DELEGATES" I believe goes against the original intent, and lends itself to the corruption that John250 spoke of.

I'm still a little unclear what actually happens at the Conventions though?
The rules the parties use to nominate a presidential candidate are not set by the
constitution. The writers of the constitution didn't really expect a two party
system. Hell they didn't know what to expect and were trying to write
something to suit any contingency.

The republifuck party has different rules than the democraps. The parties set their own rules.
Unless a meteor hits and wipes out civilization, the democrats will nominate Hillary because
of the way their rules are set. The republifucks have a better problem. Trump WILL have
the most delegates when they get to Cleveland BUT... he may not have a majority of delegates.
That's when things will get interesting. You'll hear that the convention is brokered but
that implies brokers in smoke filled rooms and guess what - there aren't any brokers anymore
because the reublifucks are so disoriented. It'll be every man for himself.

The smart money is buying Cong-Agra (CAG) maker of Orville Redenbacker popcorn.
I voted this afternoon. Took my 7 year old daughter with me and explained everything to her as well. It's important to vote.
Thanks Sturd, but back to my stupid question, what is a super delegate?
They refer to Hillary as having one in her back pocket.

The election is rigged. Hillary will be your next president. And once again, no one you know will have voted for her. I am making arrangements for the 3 rd great depression already.

8 more years of Obama! I bet he does not even move out of the whitehouse, neither will all his rapper buddies.