Oh dava'loser'


PR Member
I just think this is funny. This is savage on a whole different level.


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Lmao. Omg., Vital just melted down. In it's usual fashion. And the libby libtards flushed it. Delete. Delete. Delete. That was some entertaining stuff.

I hope DavaLosers wife doesn't hire a Lawyer for the divorce.

How many "Show me that @$$" signs will we see in the stands these next few weeks??

He deleted his instagram account. So did his wife...what an idiot. You can't fix stoopid.
Much like there is always a Washington state flag at every college game day show on ESPN, There should always be a "Show me that @$$" sign at every supercross race. Even the east coast races.
I was not going to go to Indy, but now I think I have to...
Vital deleted the whole conversation.

I got my account locked long ago, I suppose for saying something bad about Bubba. It said it was a temporary lock, but never got unlocked. I just had to start a new ID to get back in. That page must be run by some liberal snowflake.
Vital deletes a lot. They constantly delete anything that isn't in line with their agendas. All the mx sports threads look like it's nothing but supporters. Because--they clip all the dissenters. Same with the non-Moto. Go over there pro-republican and you won't last long. Clippity clip.

Nevertheless it's still an entertaining site.

I got locked for saying "Somalian refugee" shot up a public place. Factual information. But they allowed the liberal users to say "West Virginian fat bubba shouldn't be able to go to Walmart and buy a case of Mountain Dew and a box of shells". I mean thats ok. Liberals are Holier than thou. All loving and inclusive until they don't get their own way.
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Wanna know something funny? Years ago, MotoDrive (Now Vital) claimed to never delete anything. "Bring your tearoffs and duck the roost" was the slogan.

I would delete something every so often on here when someone crossed the line, and I would take a bunch of flak over there for deleting it.

Now it's actually the other way around -- I think they trim stuff off there nearly every day at this point!
Wanna know something funny? Years ago, MotoDrive (Now Vital) claimed to never delete anything. "Bring your tearoffs and duck the roost" was the slogan.

I would delete something every so often on here when someone crossed the line, and I would take a bunch of flak over there for deleting it.

Now it's actually the other way around -- I think they trim stuff off there nearly every day at this point!
Yeah, whats the point if you don't want to hear people opinions. It is like living in Russia.