LL Area - East Fork 4/21 - 4/22


PR Addict
Two months away and Eastfork Mx will hold their first Loretta Lynn Area Qualifier. The plans are to have an open practice in late March before the area qualifier. This will allow everyone to get some much needed seat time, after the long Ohio winter we experienced this year.


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Gates open 4/19 at 4pm.
Gates close at 12am.

Gates open 4/20 - 4/22 at 6am.
Gales close at 12am.

Gate Fees:
Thursday $35
Friday $30
Saturday $20
Sunday $10

Friday Practice $25.00 per group
9am-3 pm Race
Fees: $30.00 per class
Pit Vehicle Pass $10.00
MXSPORTS Qualifier form $10.00 per class
Everyone who signs up at the race will receive a Rocky Mountain ATV gas card in the mail.
Everyone has to be able to be practice and some people want mutiple practice sessions. This also eliminated 80 to 100 bikes being on the track the same time.
Just curious. We were at a recent qualifier that had 6 practices classes, ran from noon 'til five. Everyone was able to get four sessions in and track was not crowded.
Just curious. We were at a recent qualifier that had 6 practices classes, ran from noon 'til five. Everyone was able to get four sessions in and track was not crowded.
The warmer weather tends to bring more riders to the later qualifiers than the earlier cold and wet ones.
Eastfork AQ riders and spectators 12 and under gate fees for the weekend as follows. Thursday night $20.00, Friday $15.00 Saturday $10.00 Sunday 5.00
Sunday 50cc/65cc/85cc support classes Sunday
$20.00 per class
Eastfork AQ is this weekend. With the upcoming weather predictions so far we anticipate a good turnout, since the first mid east qualifiers have been extremely cold and wet. Remember you will recieve a rocky mountain gift card in the mail for just signing up for this event.