Just for John250


PR Addict
It's back!


Never wore LBZ here. I always was styling in the Fox gear. Some of my favorite was the late 80s RJ red white and blue stuff

Had some AXO and Amswer that was sweet too back in the day.

When i started, I wore Hockey paints.They had some good padding, and a football jersey 77 And a gold flake K Mart helmet That's how the poor man started out. LOL then went to Answer.
This baggy look started to help me. Not in the way you’d think tho. As a fat motocrosser (yes I said fat oxymoron and all) I was 240+ most of my adult riding. Anyway these sweet baggy sets of gear were great since Fox stuff always seemed a bit tight. Lol
As you can see I used the Shift gear which wasn’t quite the lbz look.
This baggy look started to help me. Not in the way you’d think tho. As a fat motocrosser (yes I said fat oxymoron and all) I was 240+ most of my adult riding. Anyway these sweet baggy sets of gear were great since Fox stuff always seemed a bit tight. Lol
As you can see I used the Shift gear which wasn’t quite the lbz look.

So you’re sayin Kreps should be wearin this stuff? Although I should be takin jabs because I just tipped the scales at 185. I’ve never been this heavy. I was 135 as a senior in high school.
This conversation has sparked a memory of Kreps in his famous baked potato gear from years back. That was really funny. I'm sure Sharc has a picture of that somewhere in his files that he likes to pull out every now and again. And Georgie, what I wouldn't give to get back to 185 lbs again..... I'm somewhere between 205-210 always now, and my gear always seems tight, I think it shrinks a little more every winter!!!!